They could ease a lot of rules by going in the other direction in response to the idea that the end is almost on us. Traditionally, they pushed the idea that it was necessary to be as focused and self-disciplined as possible, so that the end found us on our best behavior. But why not push the idea of Jehovah as merciful and desirous of everyone being saved, through the relaxing of the rules and expectations? More people stay in and have the opporunity to accept salvation when the day of judgment arrives. The rank and file could have a more normal home life, with less stress.
The constant pressure and anxiety of waiting for the end of the world eventually becomes overwhelming when the end doesn't actually come. I don't think it's any surprise that people get worn out, leave, and realize that there is a better life outside of the organiztion. Ease the pressure and you might keep a lot of those people from leaving.