If it stays alive by making changes that ease the pressure on the rank and file and move towards a more mainstream approach, that might be better than having it die off.
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
Why disfellowship must be eliminated for the survival of the WT itself
by TheScientist inthis topic i digress about why the watchtower relaxing the rules of disfellowship is essential for its survival.
many things i'm going to say are not my ideas, some are, the point is, i'm condensing everything in a logical and concise way.. the first thing we have to keep in mind is that the wt's main objective in instituting disfellowship has always been not to lose members because of the damage that a dissident could do, or to avoid gaining new members because of the bad reputation of a confessed sinner in the his/her region.
in the end, the more active members, the more money to the coffers.. in this case of disfellowship due to apostasy, to avoid any spark, texts were sought out of context that even prohibited saying "hi".
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Evans has pushed the narrative that it is the defamation/hate campaign that has caused him so much grief. He does not refer to his actions that precipitated it, insisting that those are no one's business and therefore should not be a factor. He says this in the public YouTube video livestream where he admitted to those actions.
If that sounds crazy, that's because it is.
As for jwwatch.org- as far as I know, it has been down for months. He apparently has let it die. I can't blame him. He certainly wan't going to post regular updates, so it would have become a dead site that he had to pay for. Better to nuke it. And if the links on his other sites point to a dead page, oh well. It's not as bad as deleting his Twitter account and having someone else take it, so that his old links point to the new account.
The Memorial
by jhine inthe wt teaches that the memorial ( communion) should only be celebrated yearly and only the anointed can partake of the bread and wine .
is that right ?
i don't think so ..
That is how I remember it, Jan. Once a year (Nissan 14 on the Jewish calendar) and only the anointed are to partake of the emblems. Everyone else just passes the plate along.
I only ever recall seeing two or three people partake. Most of the time, the crackers would be disposed of afterwards, and the wine would... the rumor was that the elders would drink it afterwards. No use in wasting cheap wine!
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
It is 50MB per day. If the PDFs are left there long enough, everyone will be able to download them. Or maybe they can be hosted at lloydevans.info.
I haven't seen them and missed the livestream. Hopefully there will be a recap video in the near future.
Why are the 2 newly appointed Governing Body Members from Bethel, when there are anointed ones all over the world? they could have used.
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlibrary.
books & brochures.
enjoy life forever!—an interactive bible course.
fulano: @ picture 1. Were those boots on sale?
Russell's in the picture, so I'm thinking that he sold the boots to everyone else. In which case, I doubt they were on sale. Maybe he called them "Miracle Boots."
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
389 just now. His low point before his begging video was 390, wasn't it?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I don't think any of the seven complained that he made too much money as an activist. And I am pretty sure no one stopped their Patreon support because they felt he was making too much money. The few people that I have seen mention that they stopped all said that it was because of his behavior. And by that, I mean that he admitted to buying sex regularly behind the back of his wife and two children.
Again, I am aware that he says these things to get sympathy from his remaining supporters and from anyone who found his channel and doesn't know what has gone on over the past two years. I have seen comments from his supporters to new visitors, telling them the Evans version of events, even though it's clear they know what really happened. So, not only are they supporting a degenerate with their cash, they also lie to protect him.
That's one reason I think he'll have some level of paid support for the foreseeable future. His most hardcore supporters are deranged.
Are Atheists Hypocritical in Celebrating Christmas?
by Sea Breeze inrichard dawkins revealed that he celebrates christmas on radio four's today programme.. here is is quoted as saying: .
'i am perfectly happy on christmas day to say merry christmas to everybody,' dawkins said.
'i might sing christmas carols - once i was privileged to be invited to kings college, cambridge, for their christmas carols and loved it.
SeaBreeze: Do you think that they way your mind works would engender or inhibit trust from others?
Being skeptical and stripping away the obvious bias from arguments should engender trust from others, unless they're so deep into their beliefs that they refuse. For example, you again dodge the obvious issue that I brought up with your approach-- agreeing that any of these ancient people were real does nothing to corroborate any supernatural claims about them. So, let's ask all of these people who agree that Jesus existed-- how many of them believe he performed miracles? Was resurrected? Is god? How many among that group can prove any of those claims? Real proof, not 'it's right here in the Bible.' Misdirection is not an argument. It's dishonest. Why would I be concerned about trust from people who prefer that?
I think my approach is better than being so committed to an unprovable presupposition that I would dismiss, avoid, or ignore the very real problems with my beliefs. One reason I stopped believing is because I couldn't get anywhere once I dropped the assumptions and tried to make sense of it without them. In other words, for many years I didn't allow my mind to "function properly." Now I do. You think that the issue is with the JW way of thinking. I am saying that the issue is a framework that requires you to avoid critical thinking about problems that would undermine your beliefs.
Bible based faith peculiarities
by menrov inlooking back on what i accepted to believe at the time, i now realize how peculiar some of things were:.
- people talking to a snake.
- killer of brother, who was recognized for his great offer, walks free and protected.
Teddnzo: He probably said ok Eve bend over [...]
Okay, that made me laugh.
I don't think it's an issue that Genesis doesn't go into details on how Adam and Eve figured out sex. But it must have been something amazing or terrifying, given how obsessed Jehovah became with sex afterwards. You would think god would have come up with a way to make sex less appealing for non-married non-hetero couples, but he ends up with a system where all you need is a bit of friction. Not exactly an award-winning design.
My decision.
by MissDaSilva ini’ve decided to disassociate from the jw organisation.
i cannot be part of a community that blatantly rejects the sacrifice of jesus in that demonic memorial ritual.
amazing what information you find when you start researching.. i’m writing my letter and posting it to the kingdom hall this morning.
MissDaSilva: I love God and accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
The nice thing is that you can visit any number of Christian churches if you wish. Few of them will demand control over your life the way the WTS does. You'll be able to meet others and find new friends without the fear that you will have to build another fence around yourself. The WTS tries to instill a fear/hatred of all other denominations, which can make it difficult to try a new one. Don't let that stop you. Good luck!