KalebOutWest: First, the Noachin Deluge is the newer myth.
I was referring to the stories that follow in Genesis, such as the tower of Babel, which I also referred to in my earlier post.
KalebOutWest: As a Jew I can attest that we do not teach anywhere in our Scriptures that "God is love,"
I appreciate the different viewpoint, but my own viewpoint -the one I speak from- is as a former JW, a fundementalist Christian. This is the viewpoint I grew up with, and is the one I know. Naturally, it is the one I apply to my reading of the Bible and to my understanding of its contents.
KalebOutWest: As for reading these stories, we Jews know how to read them.
Cool. I wasn't raised Jewish. I know the Bible from the JW perspective, and from the Christian perspective. I have found it both entertaining and interesting to approach it just as it is written. And yes, I understand that it is a translation from other languages. That is actually a point I made in my earlier post, regarding the tower of Babel. But the English translations are what I have and what I know, so it makes sense that these are the ones I use.
Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired word of god, and that god possesses certain qualities, and that the stories in the Bible reflect those qualities. I find that not to be the case. My references to this god's actions in Genesis are some of many examples of this that I find in the Bible. "You hate god" or "You're angry at god" is a common deflection thrown at people who point these things out. But, even if this is the case, it doesn't invalidate my comments. Star Wars is a good analogy. We could spend a fair amount of time pointing out the flaws and plot holes in the various movies and books, and these would exist whether we hate Darth Vader or not.