Mikejw: He hasn’t even done any good at being an activist.
There are a lot of people who credit him with helping them when they were seeking answers after leaving, or while thinking about leaving. This is the good that people refer to when they defend him. It doesn't make up for the people he hassled, harrassed, insulted, demeaned, and mislead. But there was a time when he was able to do some good.
I doubt he is able to do that anymore, though. Being out of the organization for so long makes it tougher to stay relevant. You still can, if you have people who are giving you the updated view from inside the organization. He doesn't have that anymore. That's why he lost the enthusiasm for exJW content. He's disconnected from it now.
He knew this, which is why he was trying to pivot from exJW stuff and seeking a wider audience. He planned to focus on atheism and anti-religious content, but the livestream torpedoed that. Now he's in limbo, needing to keep exJW supporters on a string while finding a way to branch out, hoping his past doesn't keep tripping him up.
Narrator: His past kept tripping him up.