Just watched it. It's an amazingly good AI voice. You can tell it's an AI, but it's pretty smooth.
pasta_hour, was this a text script fed into an AI app, or did the AI have a spoken script to work from?
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Just watched it. It's an amazingly good AI voice. You can tell it's an AI, but it's pretty smooth.
pasta_hour, was this a text script fed into an AI app, or did the AI have a spoken script to work from?
ok, so can someone explain with relative brevity what the anthony morris thing is all about.
i certainly don't miss the guy but would like as valid of an explanation as possible without a bunch of paranoid conspiracies that no one can verify.
as best as i can tell from cryptic comments on here is he is no longer on the gb but in a congregation in the carolinas somewhere.
The JW org site had posted a small note that 'Brother Morris' was no longer a member of the governing body. They removed the note sometime after, and don't seem to have said anything else about it. Morris apparently is living in a home (purchased by the WTS?) in North Carolina, and attending a local congregation there. There haven't been any leaks as far as I am aware, but it's the kind of thing that would make the rounds of exJW videos if/when it does.
With the raft of recent changes, the assumption is growing that Morris was a hardliner who would not accept those changes. Perhaps he stepped down after realizing he would be outvoted, or perhaps he was made to step down in order to avoid a nasty confrontation. Shortly after his departure, two new members of the GB were introduced. It does seem as if he lost a battle of some sort and the WTS is heading in a different direction. The latest changes are certainly something I did not think I'd see anytime soon.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
His voice should be easy to convert to AI, because he has a steady and measured tone and generally doesn't vary much from that. But it's also not that unique. I'm curious if he would be able to get any action taken on a video that is using a facsimile of his voice. I wouldn't put anything past YouTube.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
the trinity doctrine says god is three persons in one being.. yet the bible says god is one.. gal 3.20 a mediator, however, implies more than one party; but god is one.
gal 3.20 now a mediator is not for just one person, but god is one.
I feel bad for the holy ghost. Jehovah and Jesus get all of the attention. He's like the Curly Howard of the group.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
WingCommander: Lett the schism's commence at the local level!
That's what I am thinking as well. What shocks me the most is to see all of the changes pushed out together, instead of rolled out over time. Casual dress for church??? That might be the one that drove Tony Morris over the edge.
This is big.
long island business news.
march 4, 2024. the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses, which bought the former geico property in woodbury for $27 million in dec. 2022, plans to spend at least another $23 million to build an assembly hall and two support buildings on about half of the site.
I know at least a couple of JWs who know about the dirty laundry and some of the details that the average JW probably doesn't know, and they were among the most loyal and driven JWs I ever met. I think some people double-down when doubts come and their belief just becomes stronger.
I suppose some of the GB were/are like this, but it's hard to imagine. Fred Franz knew Russell's writings and Rutherford's writings. He knew they said things that turned out to be wrong. He knew that the organization's history was changed to cover for those false predictions. He made false predictions of his own! Did he really believe he had 'the truth'? As crazy as it sounds, he might have believed that all the way to the end.
looks like the early christians believed jesus when he warned about hell over 40 times.
why don't the jw's do the same?.
from “the epistle of barnabas” (70-130ad).
Sea Breeze: God who the standard of goodness
It's pretty easy to be the standard of goodness when anything you do or say is categorized as "good" no matter what. The actions I described above are all considered 'good' because god performed them. If you or I had treated a person the way Job was treated, no one would think we had done something good. If the reply to this is to point out that god is not a human and thus not bound by human morals, it demostrates how useless it is to say he is good.
If god can be the personification of good, even though he does things that are clearly not good, how can you trust him? If he can personify love, while doing things that are clearly not loving, how can you trust him? How do you trust a god who claims to want all to be saved, but also admits that a great many will not, even though it is totally within his power to save them all? If this god were real, the evidence that he is pure nightmare fuel is overwhelming.
for decades, critics have pointed out the unfairness of god slaughtering billions in a future armageddon who never even met a jw much less heard their life-saving message.
(remember the contortions around the collective responsibility of nations?
) also, why do babies and children have to die simply because their parents rejected the witnesses?
Sea Breeze: The question is why can we do that?
The "why" is irrelevant. In fact, I can demonstrate that it is irrelevant even if god exists.
Let's start by dismissing the idea that god has 'written a law in our hearts.' If this was the case, laws and moral codes would be superfluous. Why do we need laws and moral codes? Because the most base human motivator -the one we are born knowing above all else- is selfishness. What do parents need to do for their children? Teach them and discipline them to help them rein in their selfish nature and become useful members of society.
How do they begin? By using that selfishness to help them develop empathy, which is the first basis of moral behavior. How many times have we heard a parent tell a child "how would you feel if this was done to you?" Even when we are older and able to use logic and reason to understand why we have codes and laws, we still use empathy to no small degree.
Later, we can use our knowledge and understanding and experience to draw logical conclusions regarding the need for laws and moral codes. Put simply, what would happen to a society that decided that murder, theft, rape, and deception were normal behavior that was not controlled? It would destroy itself. How does a human society thrive? By addressing our in-built selfishness, through moral codes and through laws and law enforcement. If goodness was our natural state, none of this would be necessary.
There, we have a simple approach to determining right and wrong. We use it all the time and throughout our lives. There should be no question that this is the case. Because we can do this, we do not need someone to implant these in our minds. Even if god existed, his input is unnecessary; we have a clear and sensible basis for developing morals and determining what is right and what is wrong. The history of human laws demonstrates that this development was gradual and tracked with societal development, which also makes sense. The bigger and more sophisticated our societies became, the more sophisticated our laws had to be.
That is why we can do that. It strikes me that a species that is so driven by base desires like selfishness and sexual gratification aligns more closely with evolution than with the kind of god you claim to worship. A god who creates a world like this comes across as something of a sadist.
going door to door with their "memorial" invitation.
"so you can pass the emblems but nobody partakes?
them: "we can explain who is to partake".. me: "all jesus' followers".
"it appears that we cannot set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends."
I have to admit, that kind of wording makes my hair stand on end. It's a fancy way of admitting that they were wrong and that they have no idea when such a 'calling' will end. I think they have gotten too used to doing this. Everytime they need to face up to a problem with their predictions or explanations, they try to weasel out of it with deceptive wording.