They can't be doing this to keep the current rank and file from leaving, as much as to make it more attractive to new converts. How they expect to do that after the changes to the preaching work and reporting, I don't know.
But this will wreak havoc on at least some congregations. The whole idea was that the rank and file had every decision made for them, and would be 'counseled' when they went even slightly outside of the bubble. Now they are being told they have the freedom to make more decisions, and many will not know what to do. One thing they will do is reject the changes. They'll show up to the meetings in the 'proper' attire and get snippy with anyone who doesn't. They will continue to shun DF'ed people and distance themselves from those who do not. And so on.
They'd better have some long-term goal that I'm not seeing, because they are in for a very rocky couple of years at minimum, in my opinion.