I think it might be a case of 'the more things change, the more they stay the same.'
I can remember so many summer conventions where young sisters would wear dresses that looked painted on. Humorously, they always made sure that the dresses covered their knees, at least when standing up. There was no end to the warnings and admonitions from the stage and from indignant older brothers and sisters, but it did not seem to have any effect. I suppose that the stares and extra attention from young brothers made the hassle worth it.
I imagine this summer, the conventions will feature at least a few sisters wearing pants that would cause Tony Morris to have an apoplectic fit. I wonder if brothers will get in on it, so that there will be statements from the podium asking the brothers to please button up their shirts and to stop fluffing their chest hair during the song (is that a thing anymore? Or am I dating myself?). Will this be known as the year that JW women discovered yoga pants?