Jeffro: Yahweh, originally part of Canaanite pantheon
For some reason, my brain initially read this as "Yahweh, originally part of Canadian pantheon."
And I thought, 'wow, that explains SOOO MUCH.'
Then I read it again.
easter and christmas have pagan origins.
many of us were told that since birth.
the evidence?
Jeffro: Yahweh, originally part of Canaanite pantheon
For some reason, my brain initially read this as "Yahweh, originally part of Canadian pantheon."
And I thought, 'wow, that explains SOOO MUCH.'
Then I read it again.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He might be doing more begging behind-the-scenes. Contacting people and asking for help. He might also be down to the few remaning hardcore supporters. We knew that the loss of support would slow down at some point, and frankly I am surprised if it has taken this long to get to that point.
It remains a problem for him that he really doesn't want to do JW-related stuff and hates not having others to do the dirty work at a discount (or for free). The hardcore supporters will begin to drop off unless his output increases, and increasing his output will make him even more miserable. His income is down quite a lot and one has to wonder how often he will be able to travel and take time off.
As Stephen Lett would say, it looks like we're at the beginning of the last part of his last days.
so the wt society is going to contest the recent norway ruling.. jehovah’s witnesses to appeal unconstitutional ruling in norway (
their true colours are shown in the statement: "the decision to deregister jehovah’s witnesses denies us the financial aid and other benefits that the government provides to over 700 registered religious communities in the country.
additional consequences include losing the right to appoint and authorize ministers of jehovah’s witnesses as officiants for weddings.".
Saying "this decision denies us money and perks" is just stating the obvious. That is the whole idea behind the decision-- to put pressure on them to change the shunning policy or lose out on benefits. Whether or not it is unconstitutional is yet to be determined.
The thing I found cringe-worthy is their willingness to lump themselves in with all of those other religious groups that get government funding and perks. Whatever happened to 'not being a part of this world'? Shouldn't they be celebrating the way they are being singled out, unlike all of those 'false religions'?
This is also an opportunity for them to show that they will not bow to pressure. If the court upholds the withdrawal of their official registration, will they keep the shunning rules intact? Or will those rules change? Will they change the shunning rules and apply for registration again? Because that would sound like they gave in. That would sound like they prefer to be treated like all of the other religions. That would mean they put money and perks before their own integrity.
Come on, WatchTower! Show the world that you can't be swayed by money and official government recognition! Be proud of standing alone and rejecting any deals with Satan's world!
as there has been some discussion calling bs on this topic, .
i will paste the text from my 10 year plan post and i will critically evaluate how i feel things will turn out.
i will add bold italics my thoughts.. the governing body has a 10-year marketing plan to remodel the organization to become closer to a mainstream christian religion.
So almost everything will become a conscience matter?
If the idea is to go from a group that tries to control behavior at every level to one that leaves everything up to the individual, it's a completely different organization. A good name would be Whatever Truth is Fine. Maybe WTF[.]org is available for the new website.
regarding the poster from jw headquarters, who claimed that the gb would eventually loosen the rules regarding sex.
the question is, is there really a bible rule explicitly prohibiting sex without marriage?
because this would be the only possible reason why loosening those rules would even come up in a discussion.
I don't think those rules were applied to Bathsheba.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I don't know what they were hiding in their skirts, but I am pretty sure none of them 'dated' Lloyd. But maybe that's what they call it at the Rent-a-Hooker in Phuket.
elders have a rulebook.
do cos and their superiors have a similar written set of guidelines setting out everything they're supposed to be on top of?.
what prompted the question was a statement by jehovax that there is a new elders manual coming out due to the new changes.
Dunno. I wonder if the IPs are all the same or not. But that's just the old forum admin in me, being restless.
They all sound alike, though. Hung up on vaccines and 'JW Lite.'
i found this while googling.
i thought elders and/or high rankers don't get paid.
is there something i don't know?
Those sites allow people to add data anonymously. As far as I know, they do not confirm anything that is entered. If you could earn $50k-to-$95k a year serving as an elder, congregations would be overflowing with elders.
The WTS would sooner request that elders pay $50k a year for the privilege.
the following is an excerpt from one of aesop's fables.. the boy who cried "wolf"!.
there once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep.
to amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "wolf!
I would assume the purpose of fake accounts and websites is to see if they can identify the people who are giving away information from the inside. Internal witch hunts, to match the ones they use to try and identify PIMOs who run websites and video channels. And, as a side benefit for them, they might just identify rank-and-file members who have let their curiosity get the better of them, and nip any of this "think for myself" madness in the bud.
Calling them gay sounds very much like they were telling them that they must have enjoyed it, or even initiated it. It is the sort of thing used to shame rape victims. This is exactly the kind of thing that has to be brought to light in these cases.