TxNVSue2023: What is to be gained by knowing how close or far it is?
You are talking about the end of the old world, which would lead to the birth of the new. This would be a moment unequalled in human history, when humanity was finally freed from suffering and death. What is gained by knowing that it is close or far? Everything! People will live very different lives if they think the end is very close than if they think it is still far off.
The WTS knows this. When people think the end is very close, they are more active. They donate more. They preach more, which leads to more people joining because they think the end is near and they want to hedge their bets. This leads to growth, which leads to more money coming to HQ. One might think that the WTS uses this as a fundraising tactic, if one were a cynic.
TXNVSue2023: Exactly everybody dies. So what difference does it make if they have money & a retirement or not?
This should be obvious: until you die, you are alive. And while we are alive, we like to have all the comfort and security we can gather. Planning is always a good thing, but especially so as we get older. Once I'm dead, these things stop mattering. Until then, they matter quite a lot.