He says that the JWs messed him up because they don't let you do all of these sex-related things. Then he admits that he did a lot of them anyway. In the livestream, he claims that he "skirted as close to the line" as he could without being DF'ed. If we keep in mind that (1)his dad apparently was protecting him and (2)he's a filthy liar who constantly minimizes his own behavior, then we can only imagine how much nasty stuff he got away with.
When he is describing how Dijana found the sexts on his phone, he admitted that it wasn't the first time. This language is specific-- it allows him to imply that it 'only' happened twice, but this could have been the third, fourth, or tenth time it happened. And this led to actual consequences only because she put her foot down and would not agree to sweep it under the rug, as she would have done the previous time(s).
I think this is one reason why he focuses on the accusations regarding a young teenager. That accusation is difficult --perhaps even impossible at this point-- to prove (this is not to minimize how horrible the crime would be, or that people should stop talking about it). But the stuff he got away with during his time as a married man and an elder in a JW congregation? That could still get out, and there's not much he could do aside from try to lie his way past it, and we've seen what a bad liar he is.