If you look back at the archives in this forum, a lot of people gave Evans the benefit of the doubt. Only a handful of people saw him for what he was, and they got as much grief from people defending him as they did from Evans himself. Go back to the start of this topic (the first thread) and you will see some pushback even after the livestream.
As a social species, we tend to trust people and give them the benefit of the doubt. Lloyd's aggressive and arrogant posture also tends to put people on the defensive and most will back down. It's not surprising that he got away with it, since he always played it out as if he was just defending himself from attackers and 'haters.' It was only his arrogance that led him to overreact to Kim's actions and make that disastrous livestream. Had he taken the time to assess the situation and made a reasoned response, he might still have most of his support.
I don't blame most of his supporters and helpers --Kim included-- for being there as long as they were. I do agree that anyone who supports him now is somehow ignorant of what has been going on (how?!?), or simply doesn't care. The latter boggles my mind. It's not as if Evans is doing much of anything these days that could be considered activism. Who is he saving? Who is he helping, aside from himself? What does he do that is worth throwing money at, anymore?