FreeTheMasons: But you can't say he didn't let you know he was on the way.
People have been warning us that Jesus's arrival is imminent for the past two thousand years. With few exceptions, those warnings have had the expectation that the event would happen within the lifetime of those who first heard them. Those warnings continue to this day; I spent decades spreading this warning from door-to-door myself! I spent all of those years hearing (and believing) people say that the end was so close, that it might be any day now. My mother was convinced it would happen before the end of the 70s. Then the 80s. Then the 90s. She is convinced it will happen before the end of the 2020s.
The problem isn't that we haven't been warned. The problem is that we are constantly promised that he will arrive very, very soon. That his appearance is imminent. That it's closer than we think. That it may already be too late!!! When we point out that this has been going on for centuries, we are told that god works on a different timeline, and he is patient, and so on. It's a steady diet of "Jesus will return tomorrow, count on it" sprinkled with "don't be so impatient" when people start to get tired of it.
In any other facet of your life, you would recognize this as the classic "boy who cried wolf" scenario and ask people to stop wasting everyone's time. But this is religious belief, and the potential stakes are so high that behavior that we would otherwise dismiss becomes compelling. Think about how long these warnings have been made, how frequently they are made, the nature of these promises, and the fact that nothing ever happens.