The one thing he has not slacked on is keeping his YT comments cleaned up. The comments in the Aftermath video are 100% supportive, so he has made sure to continue to delete anything negative. I don't know if he's doing this for all of his videos or just certain ones. But that has to be a massive waste of time and energy, especially if he needs to replace the labor that used to go towards making videos. People could post comments on a few of his videos almost at random every few days, and keep him playing whack-a-mole forever.
The problem is, the video itself refers to the "defamation/hate campaign" and even his supporters struggle to explain it without making it sound bad for him. Some of them have tried to soft-stroke it by saying that Kim 'put his infidelity on blast,' as if he had a one-time affair during a moment of weakness. First off, in order to do that you've got to recognize that you're lying to protect a real scumbag. Second, you are saying that Kim is the 'bad guy' for telling everyone, but that it's no big deal that he was unfaithful... with prostitutes... regularly... FOR YEARS.
Thanks to topics like this and the exJW community not letting him skate by, it's not that hard for people to find out the real story. And it is a lot uglier than 'Kim told the world about Lloyd's slight misstep, she's a meanie.' How much work does it take to find and read the letters to his wife? Because Kim didn't put those on blast, and I think they are way worse than his video confession.