I have found that it is common for JWs, especially older ones, to do a poor job of planning for later life. Stuff like wills, estate planning, contact info, and so on. The medical directive cards were almost never discussed when I was in; we would only remember them when the time came to renew them. Many JWs that I knew would be caught unprepared even for this minor step, so I would imagine that many of them were not filled out with forethought.
As for the rest... one thing I am grateful for was that my fade was long and slow. By the time I was out, I had my life set up the way I wanted and I had options. If anyone decided they had a problem with me, that was fine. I was in a good place personally, and if toxic people refused to invade that space, they did not need to know that they were doing me a favor. I'm sorry to hear of your experience with your dad and your family. It is a sadly common experience for people who wake up and realize that the WTS is not 'the truth.'