Mikejw: I hope he is a better father figure for the girls
That's a pretty low bar to clear, though.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Mikejw: I hope he is a better father figure for the girls
That's a pretty low bar to clear, though.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Mikejw: Imagine how his witness in laws feel?
I figure they feel like anyone else who has had to deal with him. He does not even seem to spare his wife and kids from his narcicissm, gaslighting and bullying. And the more anyone objects to how he treats them, the harsher he becomes.
As for stopping them from seeing their grandkids, I'm guessing that Dijana has them most of the time and she's probably not on the same page as he is about how they are cared for. What is he going to do? Demand to have them full time? I doubt he wants that, that would mean the kids would no longer be a convenient prop, they would be an actual responsibility.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Yeah, this is the same guy who griped about his family's privacy and worried that his daughters might learn too much about daddy when they get old enough to Google. Now they'll be able to see themselves on the same YT channel where their dad once livestreamed an in-depth look at his marital and family problems and confessed to seeing prostitutes on the regular.
It looks like he's pissed that his wife's parents are giving the children religious instruction "in violation of her parents wishes." I wonder if their mother is really all that concerned about it. I guess things would've been different if the girl's father hadn't destroyed their marriage because he's a raging narcissist and creep. He never passes up a chance to minimize his behavior, even when he is complaining about the direct consequences of that behavior.
ok so i have had a little bit of family conflict this past week due to my disfellowshiped farther will where he not just inherited someone we didn't know as a full 1/4th inheritor of his estate he also made him the executor of his estate.
i don't actually care about that but i decided to let my fully in jw sister who i still have semi regular contact with of his decision.
apparently, he is the son of my father's former girlfriend who died in february of 2022 where he was still married to my mother until she passed away in july of 2022. .
I have found that it is common for JWs, especially older ones, to do a poor job of planning for later life. Stuff like wills, estate planning, contact info, and so on. The medical directive cards were almost never discussed when I was in; we would only remember them when the time came to renew them. Many JWs that I knew would be caught unprepared even for this minor step, so I would imagine that many of them were not filled out with forethought.
As for the rest... one thing I am grateful for was that my fade was long and slow. By the time I was out, I had my life set up the way I wanted and I had options. If anyone decided they had a problem with me, that was fine. I was in a good place personally, and if toxic people refused to invade that space, they did not need to know that they were doing me a favor. I'm sorry to hear of your experience with your dad and your family. It is a sadly common experience for people who wake up and realize that the WTS is not 'the truth.'
i've seen people say something along the lines that the authorities would like to/have been trying to subpoena (members of) the gb (in csa cases).
my question is: why don't they?
if the gb are issuing orders to cover up evidence in csa cases, and otherwise interfere in justice being served in those cases, then they are accessories before (and after) the fact, and theoretically can be arrested and charged as such.
The Australian Royal Commission really hammered them on that point. Even if their discussions with the accused were to be kept confidential, it would have mattered little if they had encouraged families to contact the authorities. But, of the over 1,000 cases in the branch office records (in Australia), not a single one was reported to police. 1,006 predators who abused at least 1,800 children over a 50-year period, and not one of them was turned in.
The elders in question did not even have to do anything more than advise the families to go to the cops. Or perhaps just get out of the way and let them report the crime. But they did the opposite in the cases that were investigated by the commission. They discouraged it, not wanting to 'drag Jehovah's name through the mud.' Now, that name has a lot more mud on it. The whole issue of clergy-penitent privilege is a red herring. They could have protected children. They chose not to.
Maximum sentence? Good! But also, too short.
And it took an exJW to turn over the evidence that the congregations had? Maybe there are a few other people who should have joined him in prison.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
The funny part is that he worded it to imply that the crimes were committed in Croatia. Or, at least, that it's the sort of crime that Croatia would assume jursidiction over. Unless the M7 were part of a global money-laundering scheme or shipping drugs over there, I'd say extradition is a long shot. My guess is that there isn't a law on the books that deals with holding a metaphorical mirror up to an idiot's face, since that isn't much of a crime. More like a public service.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I read 1984 when I was in high school, so right around 1984. Now that I think about it, that might have been why they asked us to read it. The USA was in the midst of the Reagan years (he would win a massive landslide victory in 1984) and the book fit comfortably into the anti-USSR feelings that America was fully immersed in as the cold war lurched towards its unexpectedly sudden conclusion.
But I didn't link it to the WTS or JWs, since I was 100% in as a young man. Even when I read it again, years later, I did not notice the parallels. It was so firmly entrenched in my mind as an anti-socialist/anti-communist book that I couldn't see it in any other context. The grip that a cult can have on a person is mind-blowing, in hindsight.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Thanks for uploading it, nic!
YouTube did most of the work. I think I mentioned in this topic that YT has a transcription option now. And it does a remarkably good job. I guess it helps that Evans (even when he is making a half-drunk livestream) talks at an even pace and enunciates clearly. It only took three or four hours (spread out over the course of a month or so) to fix a few words and remove the extraneous "um" and "uh" that are scattered about. Even better, I only had to watch the stream two times to complete it!