They wouldn't appeal to another human court over this, would they? The same organization that has a horrible record of reporting CSA accusations to police suddenly trusts human authorities to adjudicate important issues, such as whether they will get a multi-million dollar annual government stipend anymore?
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
NORWAY Verdict : The Aftermath
by raymond frantz in
few norwegian religious communities need to worry after the jehovah's witnesses verdict, according to legal expert vibeke blaker strand.
he has pointed out that it is particularly serious to deprive a religious community of its registration.
New light on shunning?
by Mikejw inone theory why tony was booted out was because he was a stickler for not changing the shunning doctrine.
he actually said the words we will never ever change it.. they are slowly deleting all of tony’s videos and now losing court cases and losing government hand outs in places like norway.. it’s looking very likely they will release new light on shunning policy after losing this latest one in norway.. .
what are the odds they coincidentally get new light from jehovah and lighten up their shunning policy ?.
They could soften the stance over time, but it would need to be clarified as official doctrine in order to appease governments that will withhold funds or recognition. That and the blood policy will, in my mind, eventually be changed enough that they may as well not exist anymore. But it's a difficult road for them to walk, because shunning has always been a very powerful way to control people.Link +1 / -0 -
Lloyd Evans Patreoff Pool April 2024
by DerekMoors inyou know the drill.
here's an updated chart and i'm using 356 because that's where he's at today.
please let me know if there's anything you think might be added.
He's not meeting his obligations. Who would sign up for someone who isn't doing the thing they are asking you to pay for?
I wonder if some of his patrons have dropped support tiers. I wonder what the breakdown is, now. Having a range from $1 to $50 a month means he might still be doing very well or he might be on the verge of insolvency. The lack of enthusiasm makes me think he's closer to the $1 average than the $50 average.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Mikejw: He hasn’t even done any good at being an activist.
There are a lot of people who credit him with helping them when they were seeking answers after leaving, or while thinking about leaving. This is the good that people refer to when they defend him. It doesn't make up for the people he hassled, harrassed, insulted, demeaned, and mislead. But there was a time when he was able to do some good.
I doubt he is able to do that anymore, though. Being out of the organization for so long makes it tougher to stay relevant. You still can, if you have people who are giving you the updated view from inside the organization. He doesn't have that anymore. That's why he lost the enthusiasm for exJW content. He's disconnected from it now.
He knew this, which is why he was trying to pivot from exJW stuff and seeking a wider audience. He planned to focus on atheism and anti-religious content, but the livestream torpedoed that. Now he's in limbo, needing to keep exJW supporters on a string while finding a way to branch out, hoping his past doesn't keep tripping him up.
Narrator: His past kept tripping him up.
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Does The WT Keep Files On ExJW Activists?
by NotFormer init occurred to me that the wt, if they can identify the activists that are currently campaigning against them, would have a lot of ability to compile detailed dossiers on them.
once identified, the elders of the appropriate congregation could be asked to forward copies of all their membership details held locally.. would they do that, and do such dossiers exist?.
(there are probably data collection rules governing such things in a lot of countries, but by no stretch of the imagination could the wt be considered a good corporate citizen).
I wouldn't put it past them, but it sounds like something that would not be worth the risk. I doubt they would gain much by trying to keep tabs on them aside from knowing that they are 'opposers.' Their congregations would have publisher cards, and maybe they get a copy of those, along with any files that the local elders have.
Going any further than that would require work that I doubt the GB wants to do, and that they would not want to delegate. Set a loyal brother to the task of checking up on apostates, and before long you might have a fresh apostate on your hands.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
LMsA: most reasoned that we all had to look at the greater good he did for the community.
He has gotten a lot of mileage out of that excuse from people. Even now, we get the occasional person asking us to consider the good he's done. I can't help but think of an abused spouse, telling friends "he really does love me, and he can be so sweet most of the time!" When we speak of taking the good with the bad, it's with the understanding that the bad isn't extremely bad. "He meant well" isn't intended to cover theft, narcissism, mental and emotional abuse, lying, and being an all-around terrible person. To the people who enable him- wake up, for fuck's sake.
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They Came To The Door!
by NotFormer ingoing door to door with their "memorial" invitation.
"so you can pass the emblems but nobody partakes?
them: "we can explain who is to partake".. me: "all jesus' followers".
They are not prepared for someone who understands their beliefs and can challenge them. And the WTS has always known this, which is why JWs are advised to avoid engaging with anyone whom the feel is 'undermining their faith.' Ask the wrong questions and they will leave, and they will probably tell others not to knock on your door anymore.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Come on, I'm sure Lloyd could find a few sponsors willing to help him stay afloat.
"Hello, dear viewers. Today's video is sponsored by OnlyFans..."
"Well hello there! Today's video is sponsored by Lovely Lady Asian Tours..."
"Today's video has a special sponsor, viewers! Welcome, Elise's Edibles!"
"Today's sponsor is the local chapter of the Church of Scientology. Now, hang on a second, I know what you're thinking. But hear me out..."
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Finding Neverland
by Freeorange inadd bookmark.
#1. i have to start off this post by saying i am not intending to insult or offend.
these are just our observations over our entire lives in the org.
Magnum: He's been dead over 20 years, and the end still ain't nowhere in sight.
This. My mother began to study with the JWs in the mid-60s. Her mother and sister were JWs already, and I get the impression that they talked to her about 1975. And since her own life was not going as she had hoped, the thought of a brand new start in just a few years must have sounded perfect.
Today, some 55 years later, she is still convinced that the end is very close and that it could happen at any time. And she believes that "any time" means tomorrow or the day after, because "the world situation is too bad to continue like this" and whatever other stuff they tell one another.
I am certain of this much: if the WTS had said back in 1975 that the end would come sometime after 2023, and not before, she would have walked away right then and there. Saying that "soon" meant "more than 50 years" would have sounded so preposterous that she would have said 'no' and moved on with her life.
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JWs in Norway lost to the state - will not get state support back
by BelisemDeBelimakom intranslated with google translate:.
the trial went before oslo district court in january, and now the district court has concluded that the state is acquitted.
jehovah's witnesses are also ordered to pay court costs of just over nok 1.1 million..
Vidiot: Being cut off the public teat for failure to follow the rules is “persecution”?
I expect them to studiously avoid anything mentioning the loss of subsidies. They will focus on the recognition that is being withdrawn and the consequences of it. "Norway is slandering us and forcing us to pay their legal bills" will probably be the angle. It will play much better than "Norway won't let us feed at the trough alongside all of those false religions."
I wonder how much of the recent changes are due, in part, to the realization that it is getting much tougher to shield the rank and file from useful information. They cannot dismiss news reports as 'apostate literature' that is to be avoided at all costs. What happens when members read about this and learn the part that isn't being reported on the JW website or magazines?
This might be the first step in a complete revamp (if not outright rejection) of the shunning policy.
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