ForeverAlone: He stated that he wanted to get past JW stuff 12 years ago.
I think he says that and he might even believe it. But I don't think he ever really wanted to. It was always a future thing for him. And he ended up in a comfortable situation, where he was the figurehead of a growing brand that was making him a very nice living, supported mostly by unpaid volunteers. He thought he could continue to misbehave behind the scenes and keep his family in line. Leaving exJW activism would not only involve more effort on his part, it would also involve more risk. Not just financial risk, but his ability to control things at home could be jeapordized.
He can blame the WTS for messing him up, and Kim for ruining his life. But he had a situation that was working out, and could have become very lucrative if he'd just exercised some self-control and perhaps even a smidgen of self-respect. He probably still feels that his big mistake was telling Kim and Producer Bob about his personal life. His mistake was building a house of cards and shifting blame onto the WatchTower, and using that to avoid taking responsibility for his decisions. I don't think he will ever admit this, but until he does he will continue to spiral downwards.