Sea Breeze: You have to borrow your assumption from a biblical worldview in order to even argue against it.
You have claimed this many times, but never demonstrated it. Solipsism is not an argument.
You have presupposed that there is a god, and that logic is impossible without it, and any number of other assumptions that you have made no effort to corroborate. And then you make additional claims built on claims that you cannot show to be true. You assign to me a worldview that you think I 'must' have, presumably because focusing on a strawman is easier than explaining and defending your presuppositions.
How can there be a Biblical worldview based on logic, when the god you describe is a logical contradiction? I can presuppose a much more rational and logical god who would fit our universe and our world without having the many logical and rational issues your god has. In other words, my god is better than yours. And since I arrived at it the same way you arrived at yours, yours cannot exist by your own rules. Do you understand the problems with your mass of presuppositions? Do you even want to?