Oh hell. Now I'm hungry.
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
Jehovah's Witnesses Are A Cult . . . Pure & Simple!
by Golden4Altar injehovah's witnesses are a cult .
pure & simple!.
the wickedness we see prevalent today among the jehovah’s witnesses can no doubt be largely attributed to the leadership of the organization, the watchtower society and it's governing body.
How does the Govering Body get enlightenment?
by no-zombie infrom the earliest of times of the catholic church's ecumenical councils were used to make major changes to its doctrinal direction.
decisions were made by bishops, they were ratified by the pope ... and it was done.
and the laity had to accepted them or not.. and while splinter catholic religions accepted most of these councils, non-trinitarian faiths which developed latter (of which jehovah's witnesses are apart) did not.
When they realized that the math couldn't possibly work out, they threw their hands up in the air and decided to leave the matter alone. Once they stopped doing that, the number of partakers grew significantly.
I'd almost like to see their membership grow so much that the number of partakers would climb close to 144,000, just to see how they would deal with it. I mean, that's a lot of "mentally ill" people that they would be attracting, wouldn't it?
Video: Governing Body's Ridiculous Viewpoint of Higher Education
by Golden4Altar ingoverning body's ridiculous viewpoint of higher education.
to see this video, please click this link: https://jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=186#p186.
They try to discourage it, but I don't think they have ever expressly forbid it.
I've told this story before, but I knew an elder who was getting into arguments with his daughter because she wanted to go to college and he would not hear of it. He was at Bethel one day and asked Albert Schroeder (GB member) what to do, and Shroeder asked him "has she ever given you any problems before?" The elder said that no, she had not. Schroeder replied, "then why start a problem with her now?"
In other words, he got the okay from a governing body member to let his daughter go to college. I have no doubt that, during this time, they must have mentioned the "risk" of going to college a couple of times, if not more.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He says that the JWs messed him up because they don't let you do all of these sex-related things. Then he admits that he did a lot of them anyway. In the livestream, he claims that he "skirted as close to the line" as he could without being DF'ed. If we keep in mind that (1)his dad apparently was protecting him and (2)he's a filthy liar who constantly minimizes his own behavior, then we can only imagine how much nasty stuff he got away with.
When he is describing how Dijana found the sexts on his phone, he admitted that it wasn't the first time. This language is specific-- it allows him to imply that it 'only' happened twice, but this could have been the third, fourth, or tenth time it happened. And this led to actual consequences only because she put her foot down and would not agree to sweep it under the rug, as she would have done the previous time(s).
I think this is one reason why he focuses on the accusations regarding a young teenager. That accusation is difficult --perhaps even impossible at this point-- to prove (this is not to minimize how horrible the crime would be, or that people should stop talking about it). But the stuff he got away with during his time as a married man and an elder in a JW congregation? That could still get out, and there's not much he could do aside from try to lie his way past it, and we've seen what a bad liar he is.
Leaked Info: Watchtower Received $497 Million From One Country (Britain) In Last Six Years! [Must Watch!]
by Golden4Altar inleaked info:watchtower received $497 million from one country (britain) in last six years!
[must watch!].
this video was just released with documented proof, see this link: https://jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=187#p187.
They are focusing on what we would otherwise call profits. The same way a corporation will. A corporation will speak of having to cut costs even when they are profitable. If profits fell from one quarter to another, they still made money and they still have money in reserve. But they want to be prepared in case profits fall again or if they experience a loss. If they wait until money is running out, it is usually too late to act.
It is possible that the WTS has quite a lot of money and is 'profitable.' But the loss of government subsidies would hurt future income, and big payouts of hush money eat into their savings. They probably are seeing a slowdown in income and an increase in expenses, and have decided to act before things are dire. This might be one of the reasons for the recent changes, and I am wondering how many more of them they will implement if they think it will improve the flow of income.
How does the Govering Body get enlightenment?
by no-zombie infrom the earliest of times of the catholic church's ecumenical councils were used to make major changes to its doctrinal direction.
decisions were made by bishops, they were ratified by the pope ... and it was done.
and the laity had to accepted them or not.. and while splinter catholic religions accepted most of these councils, non-trinitarian faiths which developed latter (of which jehovah's witnesses are apart) did not.
I find it to be similar to how people describe prayer. If you pray for something and it happened, your prayer was answered. If you pray for something and it did not happen, your prayer was still answered. Maybe nothing happened because god is teaching you patience. Maybe something different happened because that is what god saw as the best outcome for you. Maybe you got the opposite because god needed you to learn a lesson. And so on. No matter the outcome, prayer worked.
So the GB will say the same about god's influence on their decisions and statements. It may have been wrong, but it was the right thing to do/say at that time, proving that it was god's guidance. It may have been wrong, but it led to people acting in a way that helped grow the organization, proving that god was guiding them. And so on. Russell or Rutherford once used that misdirection to claim that something they got wrong was good, because it led to a culling of those whose spirituality was weak. That's an insane thing to say about people you were supposed to be saving! But if it got them off the hook, it was good enough.
I've said it before- the most effective liars lie to themselves the most.
How does the Govering Body get enlightenment?
by no-zombie infrom the earliest of times of the catholic church's ecumenical councils were used to make major changes to its doctrinal direction.
decisions were made by bishops, they were ratified by the pope ... and it was done.
and the laity had to accepted them or not.. and while splinter catholic religions accepted most of these councils, non-trinitarian faiths which developed latter (of which jehovah's witnesses are apart) did not.
I always believed that they prayed to Jehovah, and god would use his holy spirit to guide their discussions and influence their decisions. This would happen in a manner that couldn't be detected, you just had to trust that it was happening. One way to know that it was happening was that the guidance from the GB would be reliable and true. Which is why it's such a problem when their guidance is so unreliable that they must state that they are fallible and can get things wrong.
Look, we know that they are 'just fallible men who can make mistakes.' But they claim to be the head of an organization that is led by Jehovah himself and they frequently remind the rank-and-file of the importance of obeying the GB no matter what. If you claim this and you still get things wrong, then there are two possible reasons for it. One: Jehovah is either being deceitful or incompetent. Two: You don't have god's favor and your claims are false.
I'm kinda leaning towards two.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
My mistake, I was thinking about how he was using her brother's death to give weight to his own threats of suicide. But you are right, he did not seem at all depressed or confused in those letters (which would have been written when he was supposedly struggling with a mental health crisis). He definitely was not concerned with his wife's feelings or her mental health. He wants to hide behind mental health issues and self-harm because it suits him and gives him a way out of having to deal with the mess he created. And frankly, that's disgusting.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I agree. For one, I don't think he has ever been suicidal. I think he uses that and "mental health" in order to avoid having to own up to what he has done (and is doing). During the livestream he dodged a couple of accusations/questions by complaining that he was in the throes of a "mental health crisis." He's not dealing with a mental health problem.
It sounds like he wasn't above using his wife's trauma over her brother's suicide to maintain control over her. And as SBF said, he didn't seem concerned about the possibility that someone else's suicide was a result of how they interpreted his "taking a break" video. He uses the topics of mental health and self-harm as a means to manipulate people. To his supporters: THIS is the person you are sending money to.
Pioneer Hours
by Etude indoes anyone know how many hours were required to be a pioneer back in or around 1970?.
I remember in the late 70s and early 80s that a regular pioneer was 90 hours and an auxiliary pioneer was 75. I think I have that right. Before I faded, it had changed to 75 and 60? Or perhaps that was later.