I was thinking about the way the mind can compartmentalize stuff to keep contradictory things from creating dissonance. But I didn't even hear about the UN stuff until years after I was out. It's the information bubble that the organization creates that keeps the rank and file in line. If someone had told me that the WTS had registered as an NGO, I would have surely called them a liar. And if I had learned the truth, I would have deflected with "they just want to use the library" and "they still criticize the UN." And if someone had pointed me to the more supportive articles, I would have dismissed it as reading too much into nothing.
That bedrock assumption that the GB was god's voice and the WTS was god's organization had to be defended at all cost. First by rejecting any information that did not come from them, and otherwise using jusitifications and rationalizations to defend against anything that did not fit the assumptions. Being free of that is great. Recognizing how it works made me never want to get stuck in that kind of trap ever again.