Konagirl: God is the presiding judge of His court. We aren’t. But the accuser, the devil would like to be.
God is not only the judge, he is also the jury and the executioner. What the devil wants is irrelevant, since God is the only one who can take final action against anyone and everyone else. We see this in the book of Job-- the devil admits that he is unable to lay a finger on Job, because God has protected him.
More to the point, God does not have to allow any of this. Since he knew that Job was a genuinely good person, he should have dismissed the devil's request. Since God is fully capable of forgiving us at any time, his demand for blood sacrifices is unnecessary. One must wonder what it says about this god, that he allows suffering and even demands it as part of the process of forgiveness.
And we must also note that the story of Job opens with God bringing up the subject of this one man and his pious devotion. It seems to me that Satan could have ended the conversation by pointing out that, in a world full of humans, Yahweh had managed to find only a single one that earned his approval. What is Job's reward for being unique amongst humanity for his loyalty and goodness? Being put through a series of truly horrible experiences, including the loss of his children.
Getting rewarded afterwards still doesn't negate his realization that his life could be upended at any moment, no matter how devoted he was to serving god. This is the nature of Jehovah, a being whose nature is unchanging. This is god, forever.