Sea Breeze: But, my point is how can a person receive love from someone else without it being offered out of their own free-will? It would be meaningless, common, of no special value..... and received as such.
You seem to be saying that the concept of free will is just a description of our ability to make any decision. Is that what free will is? If so, it opens up a whole different can of worms. For starters, how can we ever be free of sin if that is what free will is? And, now that I think of it, why compel us with a sinful nature if we are supposed to have free will? The concept gets more and more convoluted the deeper we dive into it.
If free will only refers to being given the choice to freely accept or reject God, that would not affect my ability to offer love willingly to another person.
But this just reinforces my point: if my only options are to have free will with all of its attendant consequences, or be an unwilling automaton in a universe where no one ever suffered, how is the former the better option? And how is an all-powerful and all-knowing being incapable of coming up with an option where everyone is free to make choices without the endless suffering that the Biblical god has visited on us?