I agree with Wasanelder Once. If you are in the middle of trying to leave, don't attend more meetings than you have to. It has taken me about 10 years to leave physically AND mentally. Those are two separate processes. It's only been in the last year that I can say that I have wholly left mentally and am not on the fence or pretending to myself I might go back. At this point, I can't imagine anything that would make it so I could go back without ending up killing myself.
That said, I also attended the Memorial. For me, it is 1 hour out of my year that I attend so that the rest of the year is problem free. It is the last signaling that you are not a threat to their spirituality. It is also a way for me to be an example of tolerance and respect to a group who are neither tolerant nor respectful of people who don't they don't agree with.
My mom is a regular pioneer, true believer. My grandma is 91. I go to be with my grandma, and when she dies, I will no longer attend.
There is some power in being "inactive" and walking amongst them without participating in their delusion. I had the presence of mind to take control of the conversation and distract them by discussing something interesting like genealogy or their dogs, etc. I also was aware if people were heading toward the topic of "what hall do you go to?" and was able to leave before they went down that rabbit hole.
All that said, some people can go back occasionally, and some can't. We all deal with the trauma of this high control group in our own way. I had a friend I told I went to the memorial and she had a panic attack. So everyone is different and we all participate ( or don't) depending on what suits us. Whether you leave altogether, or live in no man's land as inactive, it is tricky to navigate and stressful for all of us.
Congratulations to all of us for surviving! Whatever you are doing to take care of yourself, keep doing it.