That is an extremely well reasoned argument. I completely agree with the thoughts and sentiments expressed above with the possible exception of that by Stuckinarut when he wrote: "No doubt many here will be inspired by the content."
If by "be inspired" he meant to courageously take a stand for personal integrity, then: yes, I agree. Wholeheartedly. However, if anyone reading your letter thinks that by writing a similar letter to someone they love that they might "wake that person up" and get them to stop shunning and start loving, then I want to strongly disabuse anyone so inclined of that much mistaken notion.
Towards the end you wrote to your brother, "Since I voluntarily disassociated and was never disfellowshiped for
wrongdoing, I could renounce my disassociation tomorrow and resume being
a JW again with no restrictions whatsoever."
I must point out that your statement above is not true. If you "returned" to a congregation of JWs after disassociating yourself there most certainly would be "restrictions." That fact that you think there might not be shows that you really do not understand how cults work. It's not about doctrines at all; it is only about one thing: control.
They have to have it. Your show of independence proves you to be a dangerous person. Should you return (and I suspect that you actually have zero desire or intention of ever doing that), you would be subject to all of the typical sanctions and censure of any "prodigal" for the express purpose of breaking any independent spirit you have, making sure you know exactly who is in control and to make a show for any observers just in case any of them might have any ideas of questioning or expressing an opinion.
I'm sorry about the loss of your brother. You seem like a good and thoughtful man of personal integrity. I hope your brother wakes up one day before it's too late and you can enjoy a real relationship sans the cult.
Letter like yours feel good to write. Sometimes they have the desired effect, but not very often. Usually they just cause the intended recipient to double-down on their cult-mindset and shun even harder.
I wish you all the best in your life after the cult, a life of exploration in which you discover who we really are.