Unsure: The more I think about it and the more I try to reason on it, the more it all just doesn't make sense.
That's because it doesn't make sense. You can't make sense out of nonsense no matter how hard you try.
Unsure: If you are a good person, you should be saved.
And who determines "good"? How "good" do you have to be? How far can you "fall short" and still be "good enough" to saved? What if you lost out on eternal salvation because of that towel you swiped from the hotel? Or the extra penny you got as change and didn't give back to the storekeeper? Or that scrap of paper you inadvertently dropped getting out of your car? Oh the horror!
It's hopeless and you'll never get an answer that is definitive because there isn't one.
And let's not forget my earlier question: Saved from what?
When I asked you for clarification about that above, you answered: Adamic sin. But it is only the Abrahamic religions that even acknowledge the Genesis story as part of their culture, and not all of them accept it as literal. Do you not see that you are coming at this question from a distinctly Christian point of view? (And a particular "Christian" one at that). This severely limits your ability to see and consider other possible answers.
Unsure: if God is love, salvation shouldn't be conditional based on belief.
According to who? Your gut. That's what you also wrote in your last post.
Do you really want to base your most important belief--one that can affect everything about how you live your life now and in anticipation of an afterlife that may or may not come true--on your "gut feeling"? That doesn't seem like a very sound way to make important, life-changing decisions.
What if it's just gas or indigestion?
What if God isn't love? (Where does THAT idea come from anyway?)
And what if there isn't any God at all?