SBF: Even the assumption "there is a God" can be broken down.
That's true, which is why I restricted my comments to the God of the Bible.
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
SBF: Even the assumption "there is a God" can be broken down.
That's true, which is why I restricted my comments to the God of the Bible.
i have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now.
when i met him i had no idea that he was a jehovah witness.
we took a vacation and he lied to his parents about who he was with, and they ended up finding out not only that he way lying, but who i was.
WIT12: I feel like i will always be the girl that made him lose his relationship with his family and friends
That's not on you; that's on his family and friends.
It might help your BF to seek some counseling to help him untangle the mess of beliefs and emotions that he must be experiencing as a result of leaving this religion. It might even be helpful for you to go with him, at least for some of the sessions.
The one problem is that most therapists and counselors are not really familiar with the issues ex-cult members face. (Yes, JWs are a cult).
Here is a link to a resource that you might find helpful:
Although she is now retired, Ziemann is both a therapist and a former, born-in Jehovah’s Witness.
This is from her website:
"Bonnie has the skills, knowledge, education and experience with which she can offer others help to leave high-control environments and recover from mind-control, coercion, manipulation and/or abuse."
Best wishes to you both!
the video drama shown at the recent comvention was called "the wife of lot".
i noticed some stuble lessons being taught in this soap opera style video.... firstly, all the bad influence comes from women, its the wife and the mother in law whose pushing for more money and a better lifestyle.
while the men remain loyal to god, can't show the men going astray now can we?.
SBF: Or actually maybe it was intentional, to say no job, no matter how worthy, is as important as being a good JW.
That's more likely, methinks.
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
SBF: The argument ... relies on a few assumptions.
You left out at least one assumption and it's a big one: The God of the Bible exists. (Although I suppose you could say this is implicit in your first assumption).
It has become my belief that the evidence is overwhelming and conclusive: The God of the Bible does NOT exist. Therefore we need not worry about any "prophecies" coming true. Instead we should get on with our lives and work toward making this life and this world the best we can.
This is actually good news, and it's real. Good news.
Consider for a moment Richard Dawkins description of the “The God of the Old Testament [who] is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
Although there is no objective evidence to support the counterfactual assertion that the God of the Bible is real and actually exists, there are in fact plenty of scriptural proof-texts to support Dawkins' assessment. If you've been a JW for any length of time you probably know most, if not all, of them. Good thing it's all fiction.
Ponder that and it's ramifications!
i found it difficult to digest the word (“slave”) jesus supposedly used to refer to his appointees on earth to dispense spiritual food on earth.
(mathew 24:45) why not a better word, something positive in view of the fact that jesus came to free us?
freedom is the absence of physical and mental boundaries or restrictions.
Really? How did "slave" come to mean MASTER?
Changing the basic meanings of words to the exact opposite of what they really mean is one sign of a cult!
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
UTC: The speaker dogmatically mentions the important year 607bce about 3 or 4 times. He mentions 1914 a couple of times, 1919, and even mentions the generation and refers to brother Splanes [sic] very good explanation and diagram on 🙄
Personally, I think Splane (or who ever is really in charge at the WTBTS) plagiarized that chart from this three year old thread on this forum:
Careful readers will notice the footnote in the above chart about conflicting dates for Fred Franz' baptism. This is a point in WT "theology," chronology and history that previously has not been discussed much, and curiously Splane also refers to this obscure point in his presentation.
Coincidence? Conspiracy theory?
Do the math!
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
UTC: Most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
I wonder how many people from other Abrahamic religions would agree with that statement?
JWs have their own, unique and unconventional understanding of much of the Bible. Why is that? Are they really right and every other religion wrong?
Next time you consider a particular scripture, ask yourself: How do I know what this scripture means? Is it because of what it actually says, or because of what I've been told it means?
Google "exegesis" and "eisegesis" and see if you can determine which method of Bible interpretation the WTBTS uses.
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
UTC: I looked around thinking are intelligent individuals in the audience really buying this nonsense.
Sure. Intelligence alone is not sufficiently protective against cult indoctrination. One must be familiar with the methods of mental manipulation and self-aware to be protected. It also helps to have well developed critical-thinking skills, a strong sense of self and a willingness to question authority. How many fully indoctrinated JWs have any of those let alone the complete set?
Finally, it's possible-perhaps even likely-that there were others wondering the same thing as you were. Remember, in a cult all doubts must be kept to one's self.
You're here sharing yours anonymously on an Internet forum, and that's good. But how many active JWs did you discuss this with at the convention? I'm guessing none.
so over the last few years, the witnesses i know (who were close friends in the past) who follow me on instagram social media have been steadily dropping off and blocking me..... but there are a small number who are still friends.. i have noticed one sad situation for one friend who is clearly battling cognitive dissonance.
if she posts a picture and i leave a nice comment on it, my comment quickly disappears.
(she must delete it i guess) but then soon after she sends a nice private message asking how we are, or commenting on the post or activity.
You're "secret friends"!
Nothing screams CULT like: "I have to pretend I don't know you/talk to you/like you and so I have to hide our relationship because ..."
Well, you know why.
we all know the rate of suicide is high among jw's.
my question is this- was there some subliminal messages that encourage this.
i was a born in and my entire life i would have these thoughts that could come out of nowhere,"kill yourself.
UTC: it certainly has a lot to do with the fact that the JW community is very insular. Also the high standards that are expected create feelings of guilt and never being good enough.
Absolutely. Those psychological forces are very corrosive to one's soul and sense of self, particularly for the more sensitive among us.
Thank you for sharing your personal experience in this regard. It must have been very difficult for you when you had no friends in the congregation and none outside. This is of course one of the most basic ways that high-control groups manipulate and control individuals, by socially isolating them. It's very effective.
Psychologist David Myers gives us some context as to the level of emotional pain that being ostracized can cause when he explains: “Because of the human desire for connection, solitary confinement is, with the exception of torture, the worst punishment” possible (2014, p. 436). Social exclusion and shunning is a virtual prison without bars.
I especially appreciated your concluding words of encouragement, UTC: Live your life and be yourself.
Unfortunately, that can be a very difficult thing for many people to do, especially those raised in a cult because their individuality and authentic identity were rarely nurtured; indeed, they were often crushed.