"Millions of heterosexuals ... are able to live happily without fulfilling their sexual urges. Those with homosexual inclinations can do the same if they truly want to please God" (Awake!, December, 2010, p. 22).
Translation: Millions of people live celibate lives because of situations beyond their control. If you are LGBTQIA, then you can and should too!
I'm not even going to touch how illogical and fucked-up this WT quote is on it's face. And Slimboyfat is absolutely correct that the "situations are not equivalent."
But what I DO want to point out is this: It is one thing to deny an "urge" or "temptation." It is quite another thing to deny who you are.
This is a key difference that--as far as I know--the WT has never addressed and shows a willful blindness in their adamant refusal to acknowledge.
A person can choose to wear colored socks or not. They can choose to wear tight-pants or not. We cannot choose to change who we are are our core. This is often manifest in behaviors, traits and mannerisms that are intrinsic to our identity and cannot be hidden or covered up by a "WT Approved" set of clothes.
The implicit message in WT propaganda remains the same: Deny yourself. Become as we are.
(Of course, this is true of all cults and is in fact one line of proof that a particular group is a cult.) This is why the WTBTS loves trotting out Romans 12:2 in relation to this and related issues:
And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Scriptures like this seem to add legitimacy to admonitions to deny your true, authentic self. And if you still believe in the authority of the Bible, you will feel its pressure--insistent and unrelentingly corrosive to your soul.