Sparrowdown: maybe I 'm just a crazy optimist.
You are, but that doesn't mean you're wrong!
Sparrowdown: maybe I 'm just a crazy optimist.
You are, but that doesn't mean you're wrong!
this poor girl was baptized at 9yo.
she isnt old enough to buy alcohol, to vote, to decide her own medical treatment, to buy a pet, to travel alone... yet she was deemed old enough to dedicate her life to a religion that will cut her off from her family if she ever leaves.. here she is applauded for shunning her own sister who tried to keep in contact with her after waking up..
This religion is just sick the way it not only DESTROYS FAMILIES, but is proud of it!
hi i am just starting to rebuild my relationship with jehovah.
i would like to hear from people who may be or have been in similar situations and now want to dedicate their lives to him..
DY: In the grand scheme of things we are nothing to God
You have that backwards. It should read: In the grand scheme of things god is nothing to us.
We are real. God is a delusion of the human mind.
august 11, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: 2018 memorial invitations and date of special talk .
the 2018 memorial will be held on saturday, march 31, 2018.. the 2019 memorial will be held on friday, april 19, 2019..
And once again we heard it here long before most elders will even know about it!
WiFi, your source is even better than the leaks at the White House ... LOL!
"We are pleased to share this advance information with you, and we pray Jehovah’s rich blessing upon this special campaign."
hi i am just starting to rebuild my relationship with jehovah.
i would like to hear from people who may be or have been in similar situations and now want to dedicate their lives to him..
If by "truth" you mean an absolute commitment to trying to objectively understand things as they really are using a scientific approach, then good for you.
If, on the other hand, you are confusing the expression "the truth" with the religious organization known as Jehovah's Witness due to the way the WTBTS conflates the two terms, then that's not good. Not good at all.
By the way, you should know that most cults, particularly religious ones, claim to be the sole possessor of "truth" to the exclusion of all others. With just a little thought you should be able to figure out how illogical that is.
Truth is not a physical thing that any one or any group can possess exclusively, if at all. Also, if you or anyone else learns something that is true--even if you learn it from another person, a particular book, teacher or group--you will know that forever. There is no need to "return" anywhere or to anyone.
Belief in invisible beings is a delusion, and it is one which is generally unhealthy.
the song is supposedly about marveling at god's creation but instead includes over the top adoration of the elders, conventions, and family worship.
lol getting a brother who sounds like a wannabe josh groban only adds to the cheesiness.
The male vocalist sounds like Phillip Ingram.
He's a pretty well-known session singer and has done singing for the WTBTS before.
Sam Herd is definitely obsessed with lesbians.
I remember once about 15 years ago at an elders’ school Sam Herd went on-and-on about lesbians. He just kept ranting for about 1/2 an hour. It was completely off-topic and very bizarre. A friend of mine that was also there (and who coincidentally has also left the organization) talked about it with me afterwards. We were both like, “WTF was THAT all about!”
While I understand labeling this kind of propaganda as “homophobic,” I actually think it’s more accurate to say the GB are obsessed with the subject because they are afraid of their own sexuality. I don’t know if there’s a specific psychological term for this other than sexually repressed. Steve2, any comments?
Some of you might find this article from Psychology Today enlightening:
would you join a religion which says everyone who is not a member will be killed by god?.
would you join a religion which you know that statistically if you stay in it long enough, there is a high chance that it will split your family apart?.
would you join a religion which demands that you preach to your neighbours that they are soon going to die if they don’t believe your message?.
Would I? In fact I did, but it was only after joining that I began to discover the real truth about the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
“Nobody joins a cult. Nobody joins something they think is going to hurt them. You join a religious organization, you join a political movement. Most of all you join a group of people you really like!” These are the words of Deborah Layton on the PBS Home Video: “Jonestown” (copyright 2007).
a car has struck a group of soldiers in paris, injuring six, two seriously, police say.. a large and urgent police operation is now under way to find the vehicle and driver involved in the incident in the north-western suburb of levallois-perret.. the local mayor, patrick balkany, said he had "no doubt" that it was a deliberate act.....
DOYKL: But then, we went to a train station to take a train to the south of France, and we boarded the train with our luggage, and no one asked for our tickets or even looked our way the whole time. We just got on and rode for 4 hours. Go figure.
My wife and I thought exactly the same thing when we were on the Metro.
a car has struck a group of soldiers in paris, injuring six, two seriously, police say.. a large and urgent police operation is now under way to find the vehicle and driver involved in the incident in the north-western suburb of levallois-perret.. the local mayor, patrick balkany, said he had "no doubt" that it was a deliberate act.....
I was in Paris last month and was really struck by the huge police presence, particularly around historic sites.
One afternoon about 15:00, my wife and I witnessed a brawl of four or five men at the park adjacent to the Eiffel Tower. It was immediately broken up by about a dozen police which came running from several directions.
There were at least a dozen police in full SWAT gear near the Arc de Triomphe. Many of the police officers had assault rifles. The Champs-Élysées was barricaded on both ends and every side with police checkpoints at every possible entrance of its entire 2km length. We were denied entrance because I had a bottle of 2014 Rothchild's Mouton Cadet. Who would have thought wine was contraband in Paris.
The #1 Metro line, which runs under the Champs-Élysées, was closed. As a result, connecting lines were extremely overcrowded.
The whole experience was very disappointing. But at least my wife and I survived unscathed.