Island Man: I think it's pointless arguing the Trinity with JWs.
I think it's pointless arguing anything with JWs.
a man can be a father .
a man can be a son.
a man can be a husband.
Island Man: I think it's pointless arguing the Trinity with JWs.
I think it's pointless arguing anything with JWs.
a man can be a father .
a man can be a son.
a man can be a husband.
One word: nonsense.
october 10, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation—newsletter.
britain branch relocation project edition 6 autumn 2017.
I've noticed that the tone of these letters is identical to the one Trump has when he talks about "his accomplishments."
a friend of mine called last night we will call him tom.
he is df now for 2 yrs for associating with a a df person non relative.
anyway he arrived at the meeting this week and was informed by 3 elders that he was no longer welcomed at the hall.apparently he was caught greeting someone in the parking lot after meeting.
Yeah, there's something not right about this story.
ok, so hot on the heels of the announcement at the agm, we have been told that there are probably only 12 magazines left!.
yes, there will be only 3 wt each year, and 3 awakes.... and that they will do this for two years, then reprint those issues.... so yes, the "abundance of spiritual food" is limited to 12 more magazines..... surely, this is proof of the end coming so soon!?!
With only six magazines being published a year it will now take 32 years to get that "college education" that the WTBTS used to tout so loudly and proudly.
i believe that many witnesses are tired out or at least tiring out.
i know....... because i am tired out!.
imagine going to college for 20 years not knowing when college is finished.
UTC: Imagine going to college for 20 years not knowing when college is finished.
Well, now that they've reduced the mags even more, it'll take 32 years to get that "college education" from reading them.
not to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking?
between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "jehovahs-witness" or "watchtower"?
good god.
Just to be clear, the overlapping generation nonsense was introduced in 2010:
"He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation." Watchtower 2010 April 15 p.10
the needle has been stuck on the record for over 130 years - thanks to mr. russell and his successive cohorts:.
page 11, paragraph 19 - “as this system nears its end,....”.
page 13, paragraph 5 - “do my actions show that i truly believe that these are the last days and that the end of satan’s rule is near?”.
In our day, the last days, as this system nears its end and the end of Satan’s rule is near and his world is coming to its end, we must remember that someday the Memorial we observe will be the final one because these are the last days. God’s Kingdom reigns and will soon bring to earth unimaginable blessings.
Did we mention these last days? Because they are. In fact, these are the "lastest" of the last days.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
i asked the question on quora "how do jehovah's witnesses feel about the announcement that the public edition of the watchtower and awake!
magazine is being reduced to just 3 issues a year and the number of books, tracts, and online content are being discontinued?".
God who loves all humans, and simply hates those who cannot see their way clear to obeying Him.
Curious that the person that wrote this did not seem to notice they contradicted themself.
How can God hate some humans whilst simultaneously loving all humans? Stupid.
my freind (who is also out) and i were talking about this the other night.
i was a born-in, 3rd generation jw and she converted when she was in her late 20's.. when she left, she said that she knew the world wasn't as bad as she was told as a jw, so she knew she would be fine.
also, she still had lots of "worldly" family who welcomed her back with open arms.. it was harder for me - i had nobody in the "world", no family or freinds.
Harder for born in because of the family being held hostage.
Not true. I became a Witness as an adult and started a family. After realizing it was a cult I wanted to leave WITH MY FAMILY. I actually spent six or seven years trying to figure out how to get all of us out of the cult together.
It didn't work.
I left. They stayed and all of them shun me. I have an adult child that lives less than 1 mile (1.5 km) from me. I reach out regularly, but still get rebuffed. This has been the case for nearly a decade.
Let's accept the fact: it can be hard for everyone, perhaps not in the same ways, but it is hard ... and very painful.