Let's review what we just learned: It’s a cult!
Posts by jp1692
stupid questions
by road to nowhere inparagraph 4 today: "what are we gonna consider?
" maybe that is the article title?
the other is: "what will we consider next week?
Panpsychism - a philosophy with a future
by slimboyfat inat one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
The basic point is that awareness is a property of all matter
Okay. Please give me a working definition of “awareness” and then provide evidence to support this claim arguing coherently for example that a quark or a lepton is aware.
Panpsychism - a philosophy with a future
by slimboyfat inat one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
Cofty, yes I understand what it is about and what it I is not.
My point in sharing that is how scientists address the question. Hopefully posters will read it and notice the scientists involved did not even include all living things in their statement because they found no evidence to say that a flower, for example, is conscious and aware.
If flowers aren’t conscious then certainly the dirt in which they grow is even less so.
All elements are different and have unique properties, but apparently as far as we know all sub-atomic particles, of which all atoms are comprised, are identical one to another.
In other words, a helium atom is different from an oxygen atom or a calcium atom. Yet they are all made of protons, neutrons, electrons which in turn are constructed of even smaller, more elementary particles: leptons, quarks, bosons and neutrinos.
All current evidence indicates they these sub-atomic and more fundamental quantum level particles are identical one to another (within their classification).
To paraphrase Gertrude Stein, “A quark is a quark is a quark.”
Panpsychism - a philosophy with a future
by slimboyfat inat one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
From whence does consciousness arise?
There’s your question.
Even if the universe is conscious, it does not follow that every rock (or whatever) is conscious and self-aware.
You might be conscious, but your toenail is not—particularly not after you’ve trimmed it and tossed it in the dustbin.
Panpsychism - a philosophy with a future
by slimboyfat inat one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
Anyone genuinely and seriously interested in this topic should read this brief summary and statement from the 2012 Francis Crick Memorial Conference On Consciousness:
You may not agree with their conclusions, but at least you’ll get an idea of what it looks like when real scientists use real scientific methods to address these types of questions.
Enjoy ... or not!
Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
You mistitled this thread. It should be THE PSEUDOSCIENCE CORNER.
Tin foil hats required, coat and ties optional.
A theory with no evidence is just a theory
No. A “theory” with no evidence is not even a hypothesis, it’s just speculation.
Fasten Your Seatbelts - The Crazy Has Started (Also, bring the Koolaid)
by berrygerry infrom facebook:just saw my jw mother after not seeing her for more than 2 years.
when i do see her, it is brief, she never asks about my life, doesn't ask about my 4 children her grandchildren, doesn't ask about my grandchildren...her great grandchildren, she doesn't ask about my other 2 brothers that she is also alienated from, she doesn't ask about my brothers family.
she doesn't talk about the jw/org either.
BG: I hate to say it, but there isn’t actually nothing new in what your mom said. This has all been said and done many times before by this, and other, doomsday cults.
I like what Crazyguy wrote, tell her “that she’s more then welcome to come over to your place and you’ll feed her and take her in especially after her three days of food run out.”.
Did Being a JW Make You a Better Person?
by Boredposter ini heard many times when i was a witness how much "learning the truth" helped people.
many have been said to have become much better people.
addictions were given up.
Did Being a JW Make Me a Better Person? Yes, ... when I left!
Did Being a JW Make You a Better Person?
by Boredposter ini heard many times when i was a witness how much "learning the truth" helped people.
many have been said to have become much better people.
addictions were given up.
No. It made me a much more uptight and judgmental person. I'm so much nicer and easier to get along with since I left this cult!
November 13, 2017 TO ALL BOE IN THE US Re: Making the Best Use of Our Kingdom Halls
by wifibandit innovember 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
It'll be interesting to watch the video to actually see firsthand "the 'reasons' behind recent changes affecting
congregations throughout the U.S. branch territory."Thanks WiFi. You keep us more up-to-date than when I was an elder! ... LOL