So then—if we are in agreement that there is no observable evidence that inanimate objects are aware and can receive, process and respond to outside stimulus, data or information—why entertain the notion?
Posts by jp1692
Panpsychism - a philosophy with a future
by slimboyfat inat one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
Those of you who can explain mathematical concepts, please reply.
by compound complex ini know who you are; you posted, rather eloquently, on venus' thread regarding a teacher making a mistake in mathematics.. my brain is not wired to explain concepts that come to you naturally.
certainly, it is a combination of both your innate ability as well as training in a field in which you excel.
my question centers on those of us who did well in mathematics but cannot explain what we are doing.
CoCo, have you heard? There are three kinds of people in the world: those that are good at math and those that aren't!
Making real friends
by KindEyes inhiya, firstly i’m new to this website, so sorry if this topic has been covered before.
i have been out of “the truth” for almost one year.
i live with my non-witness mother, have an amazing boyfriend, work and am in college.
The good news is that from here on out you'll be making relationships with people that care about you for WHO YOU ARE and not WHAT YOU (pretend to) BELIEVE!
Spirit Channeling at Wallkill's Bethel
by Marie33 inlook what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
KN: I'd like to know what you researched and how involved you were, if you don't mind sharing.
Well, I haven't kept a log of all of my research into this subject, and there are two different areas of research here: the supernatural and the psychology of delusion beliefs.
But ...
In regard to the first subject, there was 30+ years of reading WTBTS propaganda which (among other things) tried to prove the supernatural. Those publications were wholly unsuccessful in achieving their goal; indeed, they only convinced me that God, demons and the angels likely do not exist.
Parallel to that, I read other outside sources which took a scientific approach to debunking the paranormal. Some included Michael Shermer's work through The Skeptics Society as well as the work of James Randi. Frankly, it all gets silly very quickly.
My research into the psychology of delusion beliefs and cult recovery has been much more rigorous and scientific. Click HERE for a short list of articles and other resources which I have consulted on this and closely related subjects.
Higher Education
by Brian J injust spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
Brian J: The escape route is drawn, family station wagon loaded, but car is only going 5 mph right now so as not to loose my family. Snails pace i know but they are worth it.
Good plan.
Best wishes mate!
Which Things Did Your Overzealous Parents Ban?
by pale.emperor inwe all know the gb like to impose rules upon the rules... but did anyone else out there have parents that implemented rules upon those rules?
mine did.
my mum tended to copy whatever the elders wives were doing and took it to the extreme.
PE: I've still never seen Star Wars.
Dude, it's time!
Just make sure you watch them in the order they were made/released.
Should I stay or should I go?
by BlackWolf inhello everyone, i haven't posted anything on here for a while and today i just really felt like i needed to get my thoughts together.
(if you don't know me please read some of my previous posts).
so pretty much not much has changed in my life, i'm still living with my parents and going to all the meetings and service.
Any prison break takes careful, thoughtful planning and a well-timed execution, even one where the only “bars and walls” are purely psychological.
Higher Education
by Brian J injust spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
For our 2 15 min breaks, there was coffee and bananas sitting in between 2 contribution boxes.
Well that’s subtle!
Higher Education
by Brian J injust spent 8 hours in a 1 day elders school last weekend.
clarification given: "moving forward any elder, ms, or pioneer who themselves or someone under their roof enrolls in higher education, may no longer qualify for privileges in the congregation.
their qualifications will have to be reviewed by their boe.".
Brian: Just spent 8 hours in a 1 day Elders school last weekend
Just think, that time COULD HAVE BEEN spent getting an actual education instead of bullshit cult indoctrination.
Hope y’all find a way to escape real soon, Brian.
Those of you who can explain mathematical concepts, please reply.
by compound complex ini know who you are; you posted, rather eloquently, on venus' thread regarding a teacher making a mistake in mathematics.. my brain is not wired to explain concepts that come to you naturally.
certainly, it is a combination of both your innate ability as well as training in a field in which you excel.
my question centers on those of us who did well in mathematics but cannot explain what we are doing.