Blackwolf: Do you guys think that's a good idea?
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. But it is you that has to deal with this.
Seeking advice from strangers on the internet is a tricky thing at best and potentially dangerous thing at worst. Most of us here are ex- or current-JWs that no longer believe this religion is "the truth." And, while generally we are as a group caring, compassionate people, few of us here are specifically trained to counsel others. We speak from our hearts and our experience.
Also, most of us here are quite a bit older than you are.
Finally, none of us really know and understand your situation. We only know what you've told us and that is not a lot.
In your previous post you wrote: "I told my younger siblings (who are trustworthy don't worry) about how I don't want to be a jw and my plans to leave."
You have now learned a painful but important lesson: you can't trust anyone that is in the JW religion. No one. The only person you can trust is yourself, and you've been indoctrinated all of your life not to do that. This is something you have to learn how to do.
Proceed slowly and with caution. Ask for feedback here. Weigh the pros and cons of what others write in response. But remember: all decisions are yours.
Keep us posted!