Now we're getting somewhere! We can put your first question together with your updated answer to mine and come up with a more complete question:
- "Do I have to believe in Jesus to be saved from Adamic sin?"
This is obviously only a question that followers of the three Abrahamic religions--Judaism, Christianity and Islam--would be concerned with. Jews and Muslims would emphatically answer, "No, you do not need to believe in Jesus." In fact, their concepts of Adamic sin and its consequences are very different than Christians', but they would want you to join their synagogue or mosque.
Of course, Christians (and I'm speaking very generally here) would almost universally say that you need to "believe in Jesus" (whatever that means) to be saved. That's their hook. Churches all have some kind of exclusivity that requires you belong to them, otherwise: what's the point?
And of course, if you asked a Hindu or a Buddhist, you'd get a completely take on the subject as they don't believe the Genesis/Garden of Eden account at all.
All of that being said, I would like you to consider a different way of looking at the question, one based on actual evidence and not religious guesswork.
Consider this: our best scientific knowledge is that anatomically modern humans have been on this planet for 100,000 to 300,000 years. Our study of evolutionary also helps us to understand that there was in fact no first human.
Although studies of mitochondrial DNA indicate that we all descended from one mother, it does not follow that we all had the same father. Either way, there was not Adam. And since there was no "Adam" there cannot have been "Adamic sin."
This whole idea of original sin was invented to make us feel bad about ourselves and eternally indebted to a God. The key point is that there has always been some priestly class that acts as intercessor on our behalf. This is how they maintain authority and control.
But the key point is: it's all a fiction.
You do not need "saving." You are human. You are what you are and that's fine. Learn to accept that and be the best version of yourself you can, but don't worry about living up to some impossibly high, unreachable standard that always keeps you feeling bad about yourself.
Repeat: You do not need saving. YOU DO NOT NEED SAVING.
You're fine just the way you are.