If by "truth" you mean an absolute commitment to trying to objectively understand things as they really are using a scientific approach, then good for you.
If, on the other hand, you are confusing the expression "the truth" with the religious organization known as Jehovah's Witness due to the way the WTBTS conflates the two terms, then that's not good. Not good at all.
By the way, you should know that most cults, particularly religious ones, claim to be the sole possessor of "truth" to the exclusion of all others. With just a little thought you should be able to figure out how illogical that is.
Truth is not a physical thing that any one or any group can possess exclusively, if at all. Also, if you or anyone else learns something that is true--even if you learn it from another person, a particular book, teacher or group--you will know that forever. There is no need to "return" anywhere or to anyone.
Belief in invisible beings is a delusion, and it is one which is generally unhealthy.