Observe how the speaker applies some of the teaching methods that will be discussed in the Kingdom Ministry School for the 2018 service year.
How in the world is anyone supposed to observe how something will be done next year?
tired of listening to your local elders giving the "special" talk ever year after the memorial?
well don't worry, as of next year we will be spicing things up for your enjoyment.. not only will we be having the talk before the memorial (i know, wild huh), but we will be treating you to the talk via video starring our famous speakers from bethel so you can see how a talk should be given (after all bethel does boast the best speakers in any country, right?!).
here's a copy of the text from our latest letter as i'm sure that with so much excitement you won't believe it at first!.
Observe how the speaker applies some of the teaching methods that will be discussed in the Kingdom Ministry School for the 2018 service year.
How in the world is anyone supposed to observe how something will be done next year?
i have been sneakily looking at this forum, almost every day, ever since it began!
it has taken me till now to actually register and contribute.
(actually i did register with a different name in the beginning but never commented).. i am a pimo elder with a fairly long history of senior "positions" in the organization.
pimojw: its really difficult to know what to say without giving away my identity.
Your concerns are understood. But it might help to realize that there are literally so many people that come here with almost exactly the same story that your identity is fairly safe-unless you post your actual name!
Actually, with the notable exception that I would never use the word "whilst" in a sentence, your OP would have perfectly fit me when I first came here ... and about 10,000 or more pimo JWs!
can someone explain to me what the vast apostate army is and whats up with the date.
november 5, 2017. i've seen post and videos dated from 2010 about this event.
what's the deal.
Well okay then. That's a rambling incoherent mess.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Cofty, don't you know? There are three kinds of people in the world: those that can count and those that can't.
do any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
No one claiming to be Christian could have said that about themselves after the death of the last Christian from that time assuming Jesus ever existed.
But jws do believe that Acts 4:13 would be an answer to the question being discussed as I see it.
More delusional beliefs from JWs, the least educated people among any religion in several developed countries, the US included.
Then no individual or layperson in the Christian group is qualified if they don't have a higher formal education.
Well that would make sense.
What I feel that none of those appointed as "leaders" have even a decent bible education.
i just wonder what universities they would have gone to?
if possible, former members and current ones separately.... .
Besides the fact that the Bible is no longer an authoritative source to most of us here, the relevant point is that the WT Leaders, aka the GB 2.0, were not and never have "been with Jesus."
That guy died over two thousand years ago and has been "invisibly (and inconsequentially) present" ever since. He's dead. Gone. Deal with it.
do any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
Besides the fact that the Bible is no longer an authoritative source to most of us here, the relevant point is that the WT Leaders, aka the GB 2.0, were not and never have "been with Jesus."
That guy died over two thousand years ago and has been "invisibly (and inconsequentially) present" ever since. He's dead. Gone. Deal with it.
while this interview and book are concerned with donald trump.
you will be able to see many similarities with watchtower officials.
Something has gone wrong with our democratic system in electing a man with all these characteristics that make up Donald Trump. Now we have to struggle to sustain the functional institutions of our democracy against his assault on them. - Robert Jay Lifton
well, this month's jw broadcasting had a curious piece of history class.
samuel herd was there, but i don't remember if it was him that presented it.
the theme was "how it was to be a jw in the years 1900.".
JWs don't care about historical accuracy.
Even when the WTBTS pretends to care about its own history, they offer highly-sanitized, revised versions of it:
do any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
Frankly, it's bizarre the way most JWs celebrate ignorance as if it's something to be proud of.