It is telling in this article that the WT writers refer to Noam Chomsky (whom they quote) as merely an "author"!
Remember this basic fact expressed by author Noam Chomsky: “Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain. It’s something you have to find out for yourself” (p. 28).
For those that are not familiar with Chomsky, he is a Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here also is a snippet from his bio:
- Noam Chomsky is an eminent American theoretical linguist, cognitive scientist and philosopher, who radically changed the arena of linguistics by assuming language as a uniquely human, biologically based cognitive capacity. He suggested that innate traits in the human brain give birth to both language and grammar. The most important figure in “cognitive revolution” and “analytic philosophy”, Chomsky’s wide-ranging influence also extends to computer science and mathematics.
That's quite a bit more than just an "author," right?
It's actually a great quote they used from Chomsky, but it is more than just a little curious that the WTBTS writers would quote Chomsky at all given his very public views on the Bible, God and Religion.
Note this comment Chomsky once made: "If there’s a god of the old Testament, he’s a genocidal maniac!” - (See the linked video @ 0:15”):