Wake Me: maybe JW brothers can start identifying themselves as a part of God's nation by snipping the ends off their ties.
My ties remain uncut ... that is, when I wear them, which frankly isn't all that often any more.
we know that the hebrew scriptures, or old testament states that the practice of circumcision (of males) was supposed to be yet another sign that set the jews apart from the "people of the nations".
but apart from so many odd things, how dumb is this?.
i mean, how did someone know if a male was circumcised or not??
Wake Me: maybe JW brothers can start identifying themselves as a part of God's nation by snipping the ends off their ties.
My ties remain uncut ... that is, when I wear them, which frankly isn't all that often any more.
we know that the hebrew scriptures, or old testament states that the practice of circumcision (of males) was supposed to be yet another sign that set the jews apart from the "people of the nations".
but apart from so many odd things, how dumb is this?.
i mean, how did someone know if a male was circumcised or not??
So god supposedly said, "I want you to prove your love for and devotion to me by cutting off the end of your dick. And just to be sure you're serious, cut off the end of your kids' dicks too!"
That's some seriously fucked up shit.
Religions are highly articulated expressions of mental illness.
i was withh a friend of mine who is a jw still and for whatever reason we started talking the bible.
i asked him about lazarus and how is that when he died he paid the price of sin, but then jesus resurrected him.
and i asked him "where is lazarus today?
Lazarus sinned again ...
Seriously, it's all nonsense.
Jesus didn't resurrect anyone. That's a fairy tale.
meetings are boring for young kids and old but i'm going to focus on young kids 5 or 8.. i think is unfair that young kids get punished for falling asleep or zoning out.. as meetings are not as boring but i have to go to school the next day and staying up till 10pm isn't the best i can't get out of going.. but think of the young kids that dont even understand most of the teachings.. i know most on the site are adults but i heard of adults falling asleep..
Great points Magnum. You sound like a kindred spirit.
Many times I did additional research to add depth and breadth to my knowledge and understanding. It only took a time or two of trying to share it in the congregation before I learned the elders weren't interested and that I should stop looking at "apostate" material, as if scholarly articles were all written by apostates. (What paranoid, ignorant fools).
But either way, and in no uncertain terms, it was clear that I better keep my findings and my opinions to myself.
That was the beginning of the end for me. I'm a life-long learner and love learning about new and interesting things. So I left those small minded idiots behind and have had a great time pursuing my academic interests and achieving my educational goals.
meetings are boring for young kids and old but i'm going to focus on young kids 5 or 8.. i think is unfair that young kids get punished for falling asleep or zoning out.. as meetings are not as boring but i have to go to school the next day and staying up till 10pm isn't the best i can't get out of going.. but think of the young kids that dont even understand most of the teachings.. i know most on the site are adults but i heard of adults falling asleep..
I got news for you kid, neither do the adults, including the elders!
If you don't believe me just ask one of them to explain the "overlapping generation" teaching.
i know wifibandit will post the pdf soon, this is just a snack for you guys and girls.... .
It's humourous that both programs conclude with: "Jehovah Was Listening"!
How presumptuous. So much for humility on the part of those that put this together!
i know wifibandit will post the pdf soon, this is just a snack for you guys and girls.... .
Do You See the Fiery Chariots?
I do see them, and the emperor's new clothes are really nice too!
Generally speaking, seeing things that aren't really there is a positive indicator of mental illness, a brain injury, or some other cognitive impairment--or cowardly submission to groupthink at the very least.
Hallucinations are serious things. Good to know they're starting off with delusions and the folie à deux, their shared group psychosis. Best to get that out of the way early.
so in the october jw broadcast, there is a "morning worship" segment in which g. jackson goes to great lengths to explain how the term "those taking the lead" are not "leaders".. the terms are exactly equivalent, of course, but jackson, with a wink & smirk, pats himself on the back for his own cleverness on how different they really are.it's just so bizarrely absurd.. imagine if such tortured reasoning were applied to other areas..... -------------------------------------.
restaurant manager: i'm sorry, the only position we have open is for dishwasher.
applicant: that's insulting!
Waton, true dat!
They are all just imitating whoever is the next level up the food chain.
Ultimately, Jehovah (although a mythical invention of the human mind) is an extremely evil character.
God "loves" you but will kill you for the slightest infraction.
If a human parent acted like Jehovah, their children--if they survived--would be placed in foster care and the parents put behind bars so quickly it'd make your head spin.
The "god" of the Bible is a horrible invention of ignorant, delusional and apparently mentally ill humans seeking to explain complex and often devastating events they couldn't understand.
some years ago, i attended a jw wedding.
marriage speaker said something which changed my life for the better, and it helps me even now.
he told the couple: “the very make up of man and woman is such that conflicts can often arise between you.
Yes, but not anything that couldn't have been learned elsewhere without the severe and long-lasting negative effects.
For example:
POSITIVE - I got lots of experience in public speaking while a JW.
NEGATIVE - My entire nuclear family was destroyed by this cult. Why? Because I realized it is a cult based on lies and so I left. As a result I am shunned by my children and (now ex-) wife.
a christian at work has been after me for more than a year to go to his church and be saved.
i like the guy and consider him a friend and have been politely trying to avoid the subject.
i have recently decided that enough is enough and i told him i would discuss religion with him.
Tell him you'll gladly discuss the Bible with him if he will also study a textbook on organic chemistry and biological evolution with you.