I have a better idea.
Since your parents are so concerned about what others think, tell them you have the perfect solution to their problem. They just need to follow the counsel from the "Faithful Slave" as outlined in the pages of the Watchtower publications.
Tell your parents that you've done some research and found just the article to help them handle this most difficult situation involving "wicked spirit forces." (1)
Assure them that you understand that, since "we too live in a world full of demonism, earnestly praying to
Jehovah for his protection is essential in resisting wicked spirits."
Be sure to remind that that, "Of
course, we need to use Jehovah’s name in our prayers." Exhort them to actually read aloud Proverbs 18:10. It would be really good if they loudly called on Jehovah's name for all of their neighbors (and the congregation members that happen to be passing by) to hear. What a bold witness for Jehovah! This should be very faith strengthening to all observers.
I would strongly encourage them to go outside where their neighbors--all of their neighbors--can hear them. Tell them they need to "keep on praying to God, loudly calling: 'Deliver us from the wicked one,' Satan the Devil" (Matthew 6:13). This will definitely get everyone's attention.
Assure your parents that, should they faithfully follow this wise direction from the "Faithful and Discreet Slave," they can rest assured that "Jehovah will answer such earnest prayers."—Psalm 145:19.
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1 - All quotes are taken directly from the publication, What Does the Bible Really Teach, chapter 10: "Spirit Creatures—How They Affect Us"