SBF: Why are we uniquely equipped to perceive the world as it really is?
I actually love this particular question, but you must realize it’s somewhat circular and entirely self-referential in its underlying assumption that we actually do “perceive the world as it really is.”
When did this happen? The ancients that perceived the world as flat or the center of the universe clearly did not “perceive the world as it really is.”
The 18th century chemists that subscribed to the theory of phlogiston didn’t “perceive the world as it really is.”
So what makes you think we now have it all right? When did we start to “perceive the world as it really is”?
When did this happen?
In fact, if you want to talk about the basic equipment with which we are actually “equipped,” our innate, basic physical senses don’t perceive a great deal of how things actually are. Our eyes, for example, only perceive a very small portion of the EM band, our ears only hear a very small range of the frequencies which are audible to other animals, our sense of touch can only handle a very limited range of hot or cold without being irreparably damaged and so on.
It’s only by using our intelligence that humans have been able to devise mechanical devices to extend our basic, stock sensory input devices enabling us to perceive so many things which formerly were unknown and unknowable to us in our native state.