ScenicViewer: This is definitely off topic, but it struck me just how
narcissistic members of the GB are. It all fits, especially the last
remark about having an exaggerated sense of superiority.
Actually, I don't think it's off topic at all.
Many people leave the organization known as Jehovah's Witnesses (or any other cult for that matter), and they do so for a variety of reasons.
But most don't do the hard work to eliminate the cult-indoctrinated negative personality traits which they acquired as a part of their association with the cult.
Of course many people have numerous negative personality traits without ever being part of a formal cult, but the whole cult experience can both create personality defects that were not native in the individual as well as magnify those that were.
It takes both time and hard work to recover from being in an abusive relationship of any kind.
It's telling that Evan's book title focuses on "escaping" from the religion and not recovering from it. Of course the only barriers to leaving are psychological, but those "bars" can be as effective as the physical kind until a person learns to recognize them for what they are. Once we do, then the recovery can begin.