To all those who ridicule me.
What is this all about? You all are coming against me as though with a bulldozer to crush an egg, with some even calling names such as IS. This is worse than Judicial Committee of JWs? Is this the forum to discuss about JWs as your caption text claims? Is this all out-attack for saying “there is a third wise option” of supporting the good and ignoring the ills? Yesterday, cofty claimed this world is not decadent, but we are living in the best part of history. If attacking the good just because he is good is not the sign of a decadent society, what is decay? I am now fully confident that this world is beyond redemption. You have fortified my conviction further.
Cofty, ask sensible questions about JWs only—I will answer. If some organization is your night-mare, that’s your problem for which you have to seek cure.