Watchtower claims they are not a cult. But if you look closely, you see that they are a cult no matter how on the defensive they get. Walks and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!
JoinedPosts by Overrated
Does the Jehovah's Witnesses fall into category of being an organized cult ?
by Finkelstein ini think it does especially being that this organization is rigidly structured itself on formulated doctrines from a top hierarchy of men which are strictly enforced, among other reasons.
what cults are.
a cult is not necessarily a religious group, although religious cults are common, including breakaway sects from more mainstream faiths.
So are JWs told not to go on YouTube?
by mickbobcat ini was told on line that jws are now forbidden to go on youtube?
is that true or is it a case by case congregation thing?.
YouTube = educational.
Jw. Org = entertainment that is so boring to watch. Some content over and over.. Stupid.
The governing body KNEW
by FedUpJW inso i received an email from one of the used-to-be jw friends that now pretty much ignore me.
it was haranguing me about "getting right with gee-ho'-vuh", and how imperative it was to "return to the organization".
it continued on with the worn out argument that "the faithful and discreet slave know what we must do in order to be safe and to live, as gee-ho'-vuh brightens the light to them.
I got a letter that said pretty-much the same crap about "Returning to Gee-hober ". I returned a letter listing questions and various areas we the GB miss the mark. A long list! Told them to go piss-off!
I told an elder when I was in my teens that can't wait to get out on my own. The first thing would go is these damn meetings, and everything else will follow. I have been true to my word.
another Mormon similarity
by neat blue dog ini have said to many people that a person will come to be better informed regarding what's happening in the world today by reading the book of mormon than all the magazines and newspapers combined.. - ezra benson, lds president.
it has been said that the four parts (of the photo drama) are worth more than a year in college.. - charles russell, wt president.
the motives and results are the same: look at in-house information first and foremost, and distrust other sources..
Both JW's and Morman's have a different level of crap. But still crap.
The violent "My book of bible stories" not for kids!
by Witness 007 ini once left a copy with the kids of my return visit.
the next time i came she returned it to me saying it was discusting and not something kids should be reading.
i was shocked since i learnt to read using this book.
I could not watch the A-Team on tv but had to read or listen to a bunch of violence at the meetings and publication studies. WTF.
Is dies irae used in the Kingdom melodies?
by greenhornet innot sure if this is the correct area.
but these music notes are in music we have heard for years.
i have never listened to the new wt music.
Kingdumb melodies was always annoying to listen to on long drives with parents. What I would do is change the words to songs. Example "We're Gee-hovah 's idiots " and " Myriads and myriads of dumbasses ".
The Life of Pioneers...
by The Bethelite ini don't know why but sometimes like to check up my old/self righteous friend, gary kennedy from bethel on face book....he is a pioneer in ecuador.
yes and just like most pioneers he likes to brag on his selfless life style.
he is serving the lord my sitting at home and writing out thousands of letters long hand all day long to count his time.
I Pioneered in my young days, up and down streets. People would go into hiding when you came around. What a waste of time! Just recruitment for new members that is a flop. I could of went to college and even got educated for a better job. Thanks Watchtower! Your wisdom on life is about as ignorant as usual.
Thoughts on JW funerals
by Syme ini recently had the sad opportunity to attend 2 jw funerals.
the first was a few months ago and the second today.
the first was my grandfather's and the second of an old friend back from my jw days.
My father's funeral service was about 5 minutes about him, real brief. Then a 30 minute triad on JW stuff. My non witness friends even commented that it was a plug for the cult. Basically join our group to see your love one or your toast. I have been out of it for any many years and found the whole thing to be turned into a sales pitch for the cult. What a joke!
If The Jehovah's Witnesses Stole Your Past...Don't Let Them Steal Your Future!
by The Bethelite inyes, many here have lost many years of life due to being infected by this cult like religion.
for many it is very hard to let go of that life and those wasted years.. of course people need time to heal and this web site is a great place to do that, swap war stories and commiserate.. i was in for over 50 years.
so of course it will be with me for the rest of my life.
On thing about it. We are no longer riding on a bus going in circles to Disneyland but really to to no where. Giving our time, money, energy, lives to a self serving cult. We can ride now to where we want to go. And do what we like. We have true freedom. Not enslaved like those still in the cult.