Being a JW is really a F@#ked up life.
Only ones that benefit($) is the Org.
no clue how i got this..
top ten reasons.
(why) jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world____________________.
Being a JW is really a F@#ked up life.
Only ones that benefit($) is the Org.
I talk to my in Brother. Always comical what is going on in Jw land.
as a rule, there are 3 types.
one is the dramatic over the top person where a hangnail means you might have to get your finger cut off.. the second type is —who me, worry?
i’m not going to let too much of anything bother me unless it really is armageddon.. the third type is the person in between.
In my defense, little crazy, keeps other crazy people away. My wife learned that when we where dating. I'm not really crazy, I just act it to keep other nut jobs at bay.
new america without boarders is now sending its uneducated, sometimes criminal and gang members, mostly illiterate people who have nothing to offer to any country they want to go if they think they can better their life.
so look for our lowest common denominator coming to your country soon.
On top of that, they want our guns. An then tax the hell out of us because they don't work but need A hand out. Not how it was when my grand parents came here. They worked!
i had seen a video evens did where he said that jws now say if you gambling for entertainment its ok. anyone have any link to the cult actually in print or video saying this?.
Neat blue dog- When I got talked to by the elders about my pot smoking. I told them I didn't inhale. And God made pot for us to enjoy.
this is not mine, and i check and didn't see me posting it in the past, but it’s appropriate with what covid did to the door to door preaching work.. considering we are living in the last days, and everlasting life is at stake……….
and the only means of salvation ------is the preaching work……... why would jehovah allow door to door preaching to stop for a whole year-----maybe longer?????.
all jehovah’s witnesses never noticed how dumb the door to door preaching work actually is.. jehovah is the greatest emergency responder.
Gee-hovah could not dream himself out of a wet paper bag. More so for his Organization. Just a money grab. Gee-hober needs that money, or sorry couch the Org needs the money. Nothing but a parasites on the world. Provide really nothing to no one.
let me explain what i mean: i was in the company of a workmate when i looked at my hands and my arms and pointed out the veins and said something like look at that, isn`it amazing how veins and arteriies circulate the blood through our bodies ?.
he later explained to me he wasn`t sure what he should say to me as we had been working together for about six years and he had never once brought up about his jw background .he was what we would call a weak witness and he considered me a street kid who swore and drank too much.
i was twenty years old at the time.. i can`t remember the actual conversations that transpired ,but thats what started me down the road to becoming a witness and then convincing my gf to join me and about two years later we were married in a kh.. can you point to any one thing or conversation that started you down the road to becoming a witness?.
In my case, I was born in. I was "Forced" to go those meetings and out in circus. And later, "Forced" and " Conned" into becoming one. What a waste of my time!
let's all open up our crystals to 2 facet 1: 1 - here we lean about how buddha escapes prism.
What makes more sense is Buhda then Gee-hober. Too many crazy rules with Gee-hober and his 8 popes.
i had seen a video evens did where he said that jws now say if you gambling for entertainment its ok. anyone have any link to the cult actually in print or video saying this?.
Since I was denied an education, At 18 I played Lottery all the time. Could care less of what the elders thought.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
ixav- true! But very funny how you put that! I had to spit my coffee out with a laugh after reading your post.