It is comical seeing what the Governing Idiots say on their programs. Always stupid and a good laugh. " the last of the last of the last days".
JoinedPosts by Overrated
What Do You Want To Talk About Regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inwe do talk a lot about how this site doesn’t center on all things jw.
so what would you like to discuss?.
the floor is yours..
May JW Broaadcast - so bad, "it's not even wrong"
by FFGhost indon't know how many of y'all still watch it.. this month's topic is "the king of the north" - cook goes into monotonous detail over the jw interpretation about rome, germany, ussr, russia, etc.. leaving aside for other commentators the emotionally manipulative videos of jws in russian holding cells, the tearjerker interviews, the god-awful stiffness of cook (i suspect he has never genuinely smiled, much less laughed, in his 60+ years), just thought i'd comment on one topic.. the centerpiece of the program is a "morning worship" monologue from splane.
let's again just leave to the side the dude's pomposity, smugness, and inflated sense of his own genius, and think about this part of his monologue.. he was tracing the history of the "king of the north" and talked about how "britain" (not england, not the united kingdom, not great britain, but "britain" - no idea why they have that fixation - anyway...) became the kotn in the 19th century.. paraphrasing his comments: "britain would not have become kotn if france had its way.
france was much wealthier and more powerful, but at the battle of waterloo, britain defeated france.
Everytime these GB guys start to explain things my hair starts to hurt. Like when the Overlapping Generation was explained. WTF. Talk about craziness at best.
Anyone have stories about this?
by Biahi injust reading on reddit...witnesses coming over to someone’s home after a death in the family to ‘pick over’ their possessions or asking about if they left any money to the cult?
i remember, at my previous place of employment, a mexican immigrant at my workplace, had converted to jw from catholic, although i did try to talk him out of it.
this has to be over 25 years ago.
When my father died the "Brothers " wanted to know if anything was going to be willed to the Org. Us kids made sure that our mom was going to benefit from Dad's passing. Not Watchtower.
An American Religion?
by no-zombie ini have a question.. have every member of the governing body (past and present) been american citizens?.
while i understand that some may have been born outside of the us, ultimately to serve in the world hq long term, i imagine that they all had to become 'americans'?.
no zombie.
Watchtower is not for the US Government, but sure benefits from it's tax free structure as a charity. But really a Real Estate Business.
Why JWs Can't Cope With The Real World
by Vanderhoven7 inno clue how i got this..
top ten reasons.
(why) jehovah's witnesses can't cope with the real world____________________.
Being a JW is really a F@#ked up life.
Only ones that benefit($) is the Org.
I talk to my in Brother. Always comical what is going on in Jw land.
3 Types of People?
by minimus inas a rule, there are 3 types.
one is the dramatic over the top person where a hangnail means you might have to get your finger cut off.. the second type is —who me, worry?
i’m not going to let too much of anything bother me unless it really is armageddon.. the third type is the person in between.
In my defense, little crazy, keeps other crazy people away. My wife learned that when we where dating. I'm not really crazy, I just act it to keep other nut jobs at bay.
America without boarders
by mickbobcat innew america without boarders is now sending its uneducated, sometimes criminal and gang members, mostly illiterate people who have nothing to offer to any country they want to go if they think they can better their life.
so look for our lowest common denominator coming to your country soon.
On top of that, they want our guns. An then tax the hell out of us because they don't work but need A hand out. Not how it was when my grand parents came here. They worked!
Do JWs now allow some gambling?
by mickbobcat ini had seen a video evens did where he said that jws now say if you gambling for entertainment its ok. anyone have any link to the cult actually in print or video saying this?.
Neat blue dog- When I got talked to by the elders about my pot smoking. I told them I didn't inhale. And God made pot for us to enjoy.
by pistolpete inthis is not mine, and i check and didn't see me posting it in the past, but it’s appropriate with what covid did to the door to door preaching work.. considering we are living in the last days, and everlasting life is at stake……….
and the only means of salvation ------is the preaching work……... why would jehovah allow door to door preaching to stop for a whole year-----maybe longer?????.
all jehovah’s witnesses never noticed how dumb the door to door preaching work actually is.. jehovah is the greatest emergency responder.
Gee-hovah could not dream himself out of a wet paper bag. More so for his Organization. Just a money grab. Gee-hober needs that money, or sorry couch the Org needs the money. Nothing but a parasites on the world. Provide really nothing to no one.