@ruby456 So a swap meet apostate protest next time? If I’m truly there because i wish to speak out for victims of the cult and their freedom, that’s the only agenda I need to push. I can wait to solicit viewer/reader/followership elsewhere.
JoinedPosts by thebrokenkite
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
11-5-17 Warwick Protest Photos
by thebrokenkite inlet the reader use discernment:.
i was disfellowshipped in june of last year.
while i've been awake for nearly a year, i still often feel groggy.
@Heather The only point of yours I wish to addresss is exactly that WE’RE the ones talking about it. The JWs that saw any of the fiasco were unmoved and by reports received from acquaintances in congregations in the area, normalcy was quickly restored after the shock and it was chalked it up to crazy apostates. If anything, barging into a KH and so crudely disrupting the service just reinforced their persecution complex. I offered an honest summary of the events as I saw them and related my impressions, which I didn’t expect all to agree with, and which no one else with firsthand info took the time to write about here. It’s very easy to offer support for these things in comments on a forum, but I actually went and gave up my Sunday, just like the apostates you support, driving there, checking it out, proofing and editing photos, and reporting back. I’ve already put my money where my mouth is, but have chosen a different “voice”.
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
I like you, Morpheus. 😂
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
@Nacho Sanchez I can see where you’re coming from and will be careful to make more obvious transitions in the future. In the end, I was there. Your ongoing defense of the group or certain ones in it based on my initial impression of them without you having experienced the thing in its entirety or have interacted with the group is confusing and makes me wonder whether you have a dog in this fight. I went exactly as a curious newbie apostate (which has already been established) looking to take pictures and perhaps network. I have also said I don’t regret going and that it provided some clarity as to the type of activism I want to engage in. In any case, this back and forth has grown tired and I hope you’ll agree. Again, I feel I’ve already addressed the points in question and will take greater care to avoid statements that verge on sweeping ones in the future. I think we can call however’s -1-ing all the posts offering valid criticisms of the protest off. 😉
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
@nacho Sanchez I’ll indulge what has now become your “elder tangent”, but I think you’re reading a lot more into my comments than I intended to leave open for interpretation. I went back and can’t find an insinuation that Parker and Joel were elders. In fact, I specifically mentioned not knowing what Joel’s responsibilities were in the congregation. I’m also having trouble finding a quote saying the ringleaders acted like elders. I did say the disorganization was surprising considering the amount of alleged elders. Keep in mind you only a few to run a congregation. Perhaps my segue into my interactions with the ringleaders was abrupt and I apologize if it left things murky. Regarding the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies, I mentioned that they were unique to JWs, and included myself among those still displaying them. I did not limit them to elders.
https://www.dropbox.com/m/browse?path=%2F11-5-17+Warwick+Protest Here’s a link with pictures I took. Again, I cannot find my comments stating we should wear suits. I wore jeans, an untucked button-up, and a sweater. I was comfortable but was careful to dress in a way that wouldn’t distract JWs trained to judge folks on account of such superfluous reasons. Looking like you’re headed for a jog or comic con really can’t bolster your message, I think we’ll agree.
Lastly, as I mentioned before, I had no idea who any of the apostates were before Sunday, including Parker. That was my first impression, which I’d be happy to correct should I meet him again and fee differently. However, I currently stand by my first impression and it is not one exclusive to me. If we were all pushing our own individual agendas, I should’ve also handed out free prints of my photos to help my business. I, perhaps naïvely, that the group was gathering for different purposes.
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
@Ruby456 Others seeking out prominence and control is kind of how we all ended up here, so I’m not sure what I’m missing. I’m a lot less susceptible to self-proclaimed leadership and want to know what’s in it for them. I question the motives of everyone leading any movement before I decided to jump in head first. The last time I didn’t do that, I ended up a Witness for 25 years. I think this is a reasonable approach for someone recently delivered from the chains of a cult he worshipped all his life.
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
Also, plugging your own FICTIONAL quasi-sci-fi novel for an event that’s supposed to be about helping former and current cult members doesn’t smack of narcissism at all, to you? Would it help if a mixtape was part of the bundle? That’s not sarcasm. There was literally a book and CD up for grabs. That he couldn’t charge for them goes without saying, I don’t think that’s really an argument.
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
@Nacho Sanchez I’m that guy and I don’t see any conflict in my comments. I took great care to be clear. Some of the organizers are former elders, by their own disclosure. Calling them elders is not loaded. Anyone who’s ever been in a foreign language group or congregation knows that the body is often “two [or three] guys supposedly in charge of an amateurish and disorganized” congregation. I think perhaps the term is more loaded to you.
I guess my subtle attempts at humor by mentioning a pseudo symposium and what felt like a meeting for field service (which included scriptural application) perhaps failed to provide a better mental picture of the event. Also, many of the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies were ones I’ve seen in many an active elder. This is not a criticism. I myself am still uprooting JW traits; it was just amusing to see others in the same boat.
Regarding the dress for the protest, you can go through all the effort of flying out here (as was the case for many), making signs, putting on a theatrical display, but you refuse to put on anything besides sweatpants or a costume? You’ve instantly closed the door to most JWs before even knocking and it’ll be difficult for media to take someone dressed like a Sith Lord seriously. It’s the reason why we had to dress up in the first place as JWs. Apostates can have a powerful message, but it’s all for naught if they can’t package it well.
And, as slim boy fat pointed out, other ex-JWs have been able to attract international attention to their organized and dignified protests.
11-5-17 Warwick Protest Photos
by thebrokenkite inlet the reader use discernment:.
i was disfellowshipped in june of last year.
while i've been awake for nearly a year, i still often feel groggy.
@jaydee PM me and I’ll email them to you.
@stuckinarut2 Absolutely. It was almost entirely self-serving.
@the Fall Guy I think I agree, but I wanted add a dash of hope to my conclusions. For a change.
@morpheus Concerning points 1, 2, and 3: Amen, amen, and amen. Come, Lord Jebus.
11-5-17 Warwick Protest Photos
by thebrokenkite inlet the reader use discernment:.
i was disfellowshipped in june of last year.
while i've been awake for nearly a year, i still often feel groggy.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I’m still learning to shed my JW diplomacy and hope I was neither timid nor harsh.
@listener I can respect that. It was just the need to include that detail that seemed a bit off to me. After brief pleasantries, this gentleman let us know he was an anointed Witness along with his son and his son’s man bun. I guess he still had an unused strike before I called him out...
@diogenesister I’m afraid I might be. 😅 I’d love to fill that gap, if you can explain.
@zeb I mostly agree, except with the excuse for the disorder. I was never an elder, but my JW background made some things about the protest glaringly obvious to me. Some of the organizers are men who still humble brag about their responsibilities in the org and they took it upon themselves to organize the event. I’m sure if they held the positions they claim, they would’ve necessarily organized much more complex events.