Typo correction and not lack of education mistake on the above post - sentence should read - I'll be happy to answer yours when you answer mine.
JoinedPosts by SolidSender
Douglas Walsh Trial Testimony
by waiting inthe douglas walsh triah took place in 1954. the vice president of the wtbts, fred franz, and the wtbts legal counsel, haydon covington, each gave testimony before the british court.. fred franz and haydon covington were testifying that some of its members were ordained ministers.. the man asking the questions is attorney for the ministry of labour and national service, part of which follows:.
q. is it not vital to speak the truth on religious matters?
q. is there in your view room in a religion for a change of interpretation of holy writ from time to time?
Douglas Walsh Trial Testimony
by waiting inthe douglas walsh triah took place in 1954. the vice president of the wtbts, fred franz, and the wtbts legal counsel, haydon covington, each gave testimony before the british court.. fred franz and haydon covington were testifying that some of its members were ordained ministers.. the man asking the questions is attorney for the ministry of labour and national service, part of which follows:.
q. is it not vital to speak the truth on religious matters?
q. is there in your view room in a religion for a change of interpretation of holy writ from time to time?
Friend, I'd be happy to provide you with my thoughts on this subject if you could help me out first. To my mind your phrase "Christ's followers" is most nebulous, please provide me with a precise and accurate definition of what you mean. Secondly after searching through many dictionaries I have failed to find the word "learned" in the particular context in which you you have used it*. There is the word learned in the english language but this is essentially an adjective or can be used as a pronoun. You appear to be wanting to use a verb in this sentence. There is the transitive verb learnt in the english language is this what you mean?
* I did find an interesting note in the pocket Oxford dictionary which mentioned that usage of the word learned as a verb instead of learnt indicates either lack of education or lack of refinement.
The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary, 1989 edition, page x of the introduction.happy to answer yours whan you answer mine-SolidSender
From H20- "The Ultimate Rude Display"
by Dubby ini found this at the freeminds site.
it's a post from h20 that i just had to post.. .
posted by lovesdubs [lovesdubs] on july 02, 2000 at 16:55:22 {mw75jfstgk0hi4vk0miqsqbw4hhnmw}:.
Dubby, someone, everyone, there seems to be a misconception here that the WTBTS represents christianity & spirituality & religion, they don't, though this is their great illusion. The issue at stake is not the scripturalness of what they teach - those falsehoods have been thoroughly documented as we all know - the issue at stake is the control of your mind for the sole & primary purpose of supporting and maintianing their man made power base & commercial empire. That's all their is to it.-SolidSender
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:14:13
by Zep in"if you find that you are stumbled or are offended about something being taught in god's.
organization, or some adjustments being made, keep this in mind: god has put enough in the.
bible to provide a complete foundation for faith.
Zep - all things considered maybe that is mercy-SolidSender
by Zep in"if you find that you are stumbled or are offended about something being taught in god's.
organization, or some adjustments being made, keep this in mind: god has put enough in the.
bible to provide a complete foundation for faith.
Someone & Path,
You need to remember that the average JW ‘s mind, via the WTBTS program of mental isolation & constant repetition, has been so completely indoctrinated that terms such as Jehovah, God, Jesus Christ etc in the bible, are mentally substituted with, or are perceived as being synonymous with the term “The GB”. You don’t question God (The GB)& he doesn’t have to give you any answers or explanations. -SolidSender -
by Zep in"if you find that you are stumbled or are offended about something being taught in god's.
organization, or some adjustments being made, keep this in mind: god has put enough in the.
bible to provide a complete foundation for faith.
Path - an outstanding post (july 5, 3.52) To my mind the WTBTS indoctrination program is truly diabolic.-SolidSender
Purgatory, Limbo or the Twilight Comfort Zone
by SolidSender inno offence meant but is this place some kind of waystation inhabited by beings neither in nor out of the lie?
this is not a criticism just an observation.
i know it can take time to make up your mind-solidsender
Carmel, if i may be so bold as to say, when you say:
When joining this forum, I said I was not here to promote my [b]own[b] "religion" but it seems I cannot help myself
As a subjective observation neither this "religion" you speak of nor many of the ideas you put forward seem to be either your "own" nor original. Happy to hear your response.-SolidSender
Purgatory, Limbo or the Twilight Comfort Zone
by SolidSender inno offence meant but is this place some kind of waystation inhabited by beings neither in nor out of the lie?
this is not a criticism just an observation.
i know it can take time to make up your mind-solidsender
Carmel - once I get a handle on individual salvation i'll let you know - don't hold your breath though. SolidSender
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:24:35