Waiting – as you know there are people here who push my “aggro” buttons as to why I’ll use the xandit example. Please consider it:
I do not believe that a persons knowing more about the property acquisition methods of a New York based publishing company (the WTBTS )
1) has anything to do with christianity
2) makes that person more equal before god and christ than myself
3) that an accurate knowledge of those WTBTS property acquisition procedures will contribute to my spirituality.
Unless there’s scriptures in my bible that are missing.
In my humble opinion the profundity of christianity lies in a comprehension of it’s simplicity not the complex legalisms of a New York based publishing company.
If you wish to subscribe to that brand of christianity, if you really believe it’s as hard as people like friend and xandit would have us believe then that is your perogative. I don’t.
I also have no interest in wasting my breath on people like xandit & friend whose minds, in my opinion are filled with nothing but second hand ideas hell bent on suppressing tolerance.-SolidSender