If you criticize a person of color are you a racist?
Not in every case obviously.
Example: You tell a person of color they were being rude, or harsh for something they said or done doesn't make that you a racist even if your skin is not the same color. Criticizing some one of a different color does not automatically put some in the category of a racists.
Now with regards our Prez telling different members of congress to go back to the country they came from or parents or grandparents came from, I think that type of criticism shows shades of racism. I'm pretty sure Trump is a racist because His dad was one he even marched in a KKK protest and by his comments to others calling women fat and ugly, grabbing them by the pussy, telling House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md. that his district in Baltimore rat infested mess where no human being would want to live, gotta admit sounds racist to me.