This is SO much fun! I did my shopping today and absolutely LOVED looking for things I think the person I'm giving to would like. I'm going to send mine out this week.
I tried to get some fun things along with some sentimal items. Things that one can take out every year and remember this year, 2008. Some times adults love thigns they remember having when they we young too! If you have any dollar stores in your neighborhoods, you'll be amazed what you find there for a decent price and things that bring back memories you yourself have of times past ( crazes and fads of the times), that you know the person you are giving to had if he or she is in the same age bracket you are.
I enjoyed shopping today more than I ever remember enjoying shopping, seeing as how I hate shopping ( unless it's a cooking gadget store or grocery store, because I love cooking). Odd for a female I know, but it's the truth!
Just wanted to share with all of you, maybe give some ideas while at the same time, bring this back to the top for those who may not know this thread is here.
Secret Santa is wonderful also for those of us who the "empty nest syndrome" rears it's head every year at this time, making it a somewhat sad time of year. Yeah...I'm one ot those!
peace to you all, my friends...
somebody/gwen...and zev/harold