As previously explained, the indication of the solstice in VAT4956 locks in the other dates for the observations in the tablet. The date referenced in Line 2 of the obverse was before sunrise on 23 April. Saturn was behind Capricorn on that date in 512 BCE, and wouldn't be described relative to Pisces. Similarly, the observation of Saturn for Line 9 would more accurately be described as in front of Aquarius or behind Capricorn for 512 BCE. Things went downhill very quickly from there. Line 1 - the moon was in Capricorn, not Taurus. Line 3, the moon was in Aries, not anywhere near Virgo. Line 4, neither Jupiter nor any other planet was acronychal on the required date. Line 8, the moon was in Aquarius, not Gemini. Line 10, Mars was nowhere near Praesepe. I didn't bother continuing to check at that point.
So either our 'esteemed' astronomer has completely fudged the dates or is just completely dishonest.
Wanted to give you more time to bring up the Solstice mention. You see I waited for you to do so and then ignore the position of Saturn, and the Retrograde of Mercury under Mars. You see by doing so, you have shown that your not a skill craftsman in the application of logic. You focus on the more questionable aspect of the Solstice translation. I'm not disputing that it should say Solstice but what you are ignoring is that you're focus on the Solstice which is highly debatable on when it is declared is being preferred over the less questionable aspects of the translation as it relates to the location of Saturn and the retrograde of Mercury under Mars. You see in doing so you are ignoring the weightier matters of the evidence, showing that you are acting in the capacity of an apologist instead of a skillful craftsman in the application of logic.
Those that support the -567 year dating of the Tablet will say that Saturn fits the translation but they use the translation where the Swallow is the constellation in the narrative. But that narrative says that Saturn is FRONT of the Swallow but yet the astronomy shows that Saturn is BEHIND the Swallow. And Mercury is not in retrograde under Mars on the first of the 3rd month. Therefore, those are far weightier matters than the questionable start of when the Babylonians start their Solstice during the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar. The Solstice (if you studied this) has been defined in MUL.APIN as one means but various schemes have since been suggested. Meaning we don't know if a point was being used in the translation to indicate the Solstice should be sought or the very Solstice itself. Which in some schemes was related to the sighting of the arrow (Sirius). Therefore, the logical person would gravitate to the less questionable evidence that has a far more statistical relevance as in the location of Saturn and the retrograde afore mentioned.